life and pains

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life is like the weather.
one minute its all nice and lovely, and then its suddenly cloudy and cold.
life is also like a light snow.
it is there.
and then, overnight,

you can feel like youre falling.
you are falling
and falling
and falling.
and this pit you are falling down is seemingly endless.
and it feels like you cannot stop falling.
it feels cold, when you eventually hit the bottom.
it is cold, and your very core hurts from the fall.

youve fallen dozens and dozens of feet, naturally, as we people do, you start crying.
you cry, and you cry, and cry, until it physically burns.
but you cannot stop, because it doesn't ever stop hurting.
with time, you begin to bandage yourself up, and the pain lessens, until you make one wrong move.
and all of the bandages come undone, and it burns.
it burns so, so much.
and this pit just seems to get bigger and bigger and darker and darker.
until a light falls, and you can see again.
while it isnt much, it is much better than before.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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