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Shelly's P.O.V

"Shelly! Get your ass up!" My father, the head of police. His southern accent surrounded through the four walls of my room. I pressed against the soft fabric of my bed, using it as a guide to prop myself up. "Alright, alright. I'm up." I muttered, using my free hand to rub away the tiredness from my eyes.

I heard my father mutter something, before slamming my door shut. I laid on my stomach, sliding down my bed on my feet. The cold wooden floorboards made my skin shiver as I walked to the bathroom. Glancing up at my face to only see my bed head. I lazily grabbed my toothbrush, wetting it and putting a glob of toothpaste on.

I brushed my teeth, staring at the dripping faucet. After time passed, I rinsed out my mouth with water and placed my toothbrush on the sink. I quickly washed my face, rubbing vigorously at one spot on my chin just in case any acne decided to pop up.

I walk to the closet, shutting the bathroom door to see only a few options that weren't dirty. I grab a random top and jeans. "This is fine." I mutter to myself. I walk down the creaky hallway. This house is so goddamn old that every step I take it creaks. I walk into the kitchen and see my dad with a cigar in between his lips reading the newspaper. The smell of the smoke hits me in the face almost giving me a headache. It isn't a shocker that he's smoking, he smokes every day of his life. I guess he started smoking after my mom died. I'm not fully sure when because she died while giving birth to me.

I walk over to the fridge and grab some Eggo waffles and put them in the toaster. I sit down and wait for my waffles to finish. All the sudden my stepmom walks in the room. She has 10 pounds of makeup on with bright red lipstick. She also had her hair blown out with a skintight black dress on. She was so naturally pretty I don't understand why she would do all of that. "Do you want me to take you to school darlin'? " She says with a huge smile. "Sure" I replied. I have not gotten my driver's license yet; I failed my last one and haven't drove since. After the test I was filled with too much embarrassment too even drive again. She gives me the biggest smile I've ever seen.

After eating my waffles, I grabbed my backpack and hopped into the car. I sat in the car as she turned on the radio. I stared at the fog around the swamp. That was where one of my friends Katherine was found dead 2 months ago. She wasn't my best friend by any means, but she was my friend. She was a friend to all. "What a shame" my step mom says as she looked out at the swamp. There were two more people found dead after that but I didn't really know them.

She parked in the parking lot as I gathered my things. A familiar face passed by her car, it was Chad Dawkins. She started to push up her boobs and fix her hair. She gave him a small wave with a cheeky smile. He waved back. I look at her in disgust. Shes too busy too even notice to my reaction to whatever that was.

I step out of the car. The autumn breeze gives me goose bumps all over my arms. I spot my best friend Blair. We had been best friends since middle school. "SHELLYYYY!!!!" She screamed. She ran up too me a gave me a hug as if she hasn't seen me in 5 years. "You saw me yesterday" I laugh. "Yeah but I missed you!" She yelled. We both were laughing. She was always energetic and crazy.

All the sudden she stops dead in her tracks as we're walking into the school doors. "What is it?" I asked. Her joyful expression has faded away. I forgot to tell you, that they found Katherine's mom dead in the swamp." she said "Holy shit." I whispered. "Another person!?" I said shocked. "Yes." She said sadly. "Her little brother is taking it really hard after his sister and mom died with his dad in handcuffs too." She explained. "That's awful. I hope he's okay" I say with a worried tone.

We both walk down the hallway in complete utter silence. It seems like the whole school is silent, which is typically not the case. I hear a couple of whispers. "She murdered Katherine's mom" I hear Bethany say. "No I thought it was Jack" Ashley whispers. Are people now accusing each other?
After gathering my things at my locker I head to class. I sit down and stare off into space. I didn't know Katherine's mom but I knew a lot of people who did.

Mr. Spokes walks into room with a peace of paper in his hand. He stands in front of the classroom making sure everyone can see him he adjusts his wire glasses so he can read the paper. "Peter Holmes, Elliot Parker, and Shelly Rigdon, please make your way to the office." he says. I freeze. Why would they need me into the office? What did I do? What happened? Am I in trouble? Does it have anything to do with the murder? Why am I going?

We all three stood up and made our way to the office. Of course he is making me go to the office with my ex Elliot. We left of on good terms but I still didn't want to talk to him. Or did I? One part of me wants to talk to him like nothing has happened between us and another part of me wants nothing to do with him. I'll just walk in silence I guess. Besides, Peter and Elliot are good friends and they will talk to each other. Plus it's like a 2 minute walk in the hallways.

We got to the door that had a sign with black letters in bold, "MR. ANTHONY." The door had rust all over it covered by white paint but the paint was starting to peel off. There was rust everywhere, the school was 60 years old. Elliot turns the knob. I could tell that we were all scared about what they were going to ask us behind that door. The door slowly opened and Mr. Anthony was standing there looking extremely serious. This wasn't a good sign, he was normally kind with a bubbly personality.

"Please take a seat." he pointed at the three chairs in the room in front of his desk. We slowly sat down wondering why we were here. "They will come and get one of you to ask you just a few questions then you will be out of here shortly." He says with a slight smile. He didn't want any of us to worry.

"Peter Holmes, please come over here" a man said as he poked his head out of the dark room in the office. He was in a black suit with slick back hair. Peter stood and walked over to the room. The room looked musty and the only source of light was a window. I could barley see inside but there was a desk inside of the room as well.

After what seemed like eternity they called Elliot in the room, then it got down to me. "Shelly please come in." He said. I use the arm chairs in the seat to push myself up. I walk inside and see the desk and a chair. "please have a seat" the strange man said after he flashed me a smile.

"You don't have to be afraid." he starts "I just want to ask you a few questions."

"Is is about Katherine's mom?" I ask

"Well yes, but I'm sure you know about all the other murders...."

"What about them?"

"We believe that the murderer is a student at this High School...."

I sit frozen. "Why would it be someone from here?" I ask

"That's not what we're here to discuss... We needed to ask just a few questions."


He takes a deep breath "Where we're you the night of July 5th?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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