you surprise her at her game

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i know i know shes hurt,lets pretend thats not true 


today is the day!! safe to say i think i got no sleep last night, NOT IN THE WAY YOU THINK.... But because im so exited to see my girlfriend of 3 years! so you see(fr gonna replace dhar man) me and my wonderful girlfriend leah as long distance, we both have busy schedules and it doesnt help she lives in london while i live in LA, what she doesnt know is not only am i coming to her game but im moving to london!! you may be asking why? well i got a job offer to be the womens arsenal nutritionist! im honestly so exited, not only do i know know how leah will react but if she even wants me there. My alarmed ringed practicly escaping me from my drowning thoughts of worry, shell want me there? right? 

fast forward to the airport

im feeling more and more anxious as time goes on..... 

"flight 456 to holloway north london boarding now" the overcome stated.... well now im not going back, i somehow managed to pack my whole apartment into 2 suitcases, And a backpack dont ask me how i dont even know. the sound of echoing screaming children and whining babies brought me out of my state of shock, This will be a long 10 hour flight. 

"Hi! boarding pass please?" the lady up front said, i honeslty dont know how she has so much energy at 5 in the morning some people are just diffrent..... 

"why are you heading to london maam?" she practicly shouted as i handed her my ticket gosh shes exshauting.

"i got a new job, moving out there" i mumbled im surprised she actually heard me 

"oh, well have fun!" she let out a chuckle, im so screwed. The panicking thoughts came back... will she want you? you should not have sprung this on her. shell hate you. Shes going to break up with you...

time skip to the end of the flight

i was woken up from the attendent nudging my shoulder every so slightly, im honestly surprised i fell asleep such im such a light sleeper. time to face the world, i quickly got my bag and stumbled into the bathroom, which to my luck was right outside the gate, being the first one into the bathroom i ran to the smallest stall, giggling with exitment, i tore off my hoodie and nirvana shirt replacing it with my classic leah williamson jersey, i also traded my sweats for a pair of light black jean shorts, i put everything in my bag and stumbled out of my bag, normally id put on makeup but i have a feeling there will be alot of crying today....

time skip to the game

 the stadium erupted into fits of laughter and cheers as the girls walked on to the pitch, my eyes not wondering from the blonde haired girl.

" a fan of williamson huh?" the girl on my right said, it shocked me a bit 

"i-i uhm yes def something like that." i said blushing because of the fact they caught me i immiedeatly  recognized the girl as katie mcabe, too my surprise next to her was alessia russo

"im katie,this is alessia whats your name, will be sure to tell lee.." she said almost whispering the last part, i dont think i was meant to hear that, which caused my cheeks to get bright red, i got giggles in return.

"i-im y/n id appretiate if you did tell her though" you said playfully while winking at the girls, seeming like you recovered from earlier...

time skip to half time

 you and the girls talked for some time troughout the game, sharing your bond for correcting players simple mistake.

"its such a shame lee has a girlfriend.. you guys would hit it off" alessia spoke up, id have to admit it starteld you a bit more than anything.

"yes, But shes so faithful to her girlfriend its amazing, Its all she ever talks about... My girlfriend is this my girlfriend is that" katie started to rant i couldnt help but giggle 

ill post part two tmrw!!!!

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