you surprise her at her game part 2

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is there anything yall would want?


the second half started,once again cheers erupted in the stadium, this time you locked eyes with a certain defender, her eyes grew 10x larger.

leahs pov

"oh my god" i mumbled still staring at y/n, there is no way shes here... im just imaging things

"Leah watch out" beth shouted as a ball was flying towards me, i didnt even think to move, all of a sudden i was knocked onto the ground, moaning as i got beth pulled me up i looked back to see y/n and katie laughing there ares off meanwhile alessia looked concerend more than anything

"lee, why are you staring at kati- OMG IS THAT Y/N??????" beth shouted i swear she blew my eardrums.

"what is she doing here?" she asked inqisitivly

"i-i dont know. Im still shocked she didnt tell me she was going to be here" i know im not going to be focused on the game, but i need to still do my best as captain and i need to impress my girlfriend...

End of game

we beat manchester, 2-0. im so proud of my team.... coach wants us to go sign auto graphs but im more concerened with a certain brown haired girl exiting the stadium or so i thought..... making my way over to where katie and alessia were sitting i noticed the smirks on their faces..

"hi girls!! howd you like watching the game from the stands?"

"it was okay!"

"hey uhm whered the girl next to you go?" katie smirk grew if that even possible.

"Y/n said she had to go meet someone.. its such a shame i think you would have liked her." katie said climibing over the barrier behind alessia

"lets have a little chat" alessia said smirking.. seriously whats going on?

Y/n pov

i left the stadium to go meet jonas, hes taking me to the locker room to surprise leah,

"hi its y/n right?"

"yes that me, im so sorry that sounded cringey"he chuckled

"its okay,follow me"

time skip to arriving at the locker room

jonas went inside leaving me outside gosh im so nervous, what if she doesnt want me here...

Leahs pov

"okay, good game today girls, before anything id like to intruduce our new nutritianist," the look of confusions radiated around the room,

"everyone please welcome... Y/n" he said as y/n followed him up to the front of the room, there was a few gasps, me knowing they were from katie and alessia, beth just smirked, while i stared.

"uhm hi, im y/n well obviously..." next thing i new i was running up to her and engulfed her in a hug,

"hi my love" she whispered in my ear, tears started to well up in my eyes

"why didnt you tell me" i sniffled

"i wanted to surprise you" i looked up and clashed my lips onto hers, we stood taking in the passionate kiss and eachother.

"hate to break yall up, BUT Y/N IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND???!!!!" i heard katie shouting

THE END , this was kinda weird to write lol , if you guys have any tips please share!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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