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"Hey wait! Don't clo-" I was cut off by my mouth being shoved into his chest as the closet door slammed shut. 

"Hey get off me." He lightly shoved my head off him, but it was in vain since there wasn't much headroom for either of us. He was shoved in between my legs and the fact that he was taller than me made me have to go on my tippy toes so his legs wouldn't feel my crotch bulge.

"Stop fucking moving around, we're both shoved against each other and having you move around isn't helping the fact that this is the tiniest closet ever." He says with an annoyed snarky-ness in his voice.

"Well, I'm sorry, but it's not my fault that you are built like a giant and take up all of the room we have in here." I retort back at him with the same snark in my voice.

"Yea, well- You could at least be quiet while I try and figure out how to get out of here." He says, shuffling his arms around me trying to grab the door handle, but instead just embracing my waist making me squirm more.

"You? Get us out of here? Oh, please, like you'd have the braincells to decide if the apple is red or blue, let alone break us out of this situation." I say, still squirming a bit trying to escape his grasp and the fact that I have fully lost control of the lower region of my body is not helping me maintain my self-control.

"Hey, I'm plenty smart enough to know how to get us out of this mess! I'm in the same math class with you for Pete's sake!" He practically yells at me, bragging about something so simple.

"That's seriously one of your accomplishments? Anyone could get into that class because of that idiot teacher who doesn't base anything on GPA." I spat back at him.

"Oh, so are you saying that anyone could get into the same math class as the famed prodigy called yourself?" This makes me open up my mouth to try and come up with a comeback, but to be honest he's right, although that's not exactly what I meant since I'm bad at wording things.

"Oh my? Did I stump the teenage genius with my question, from a simple man like me?" He giggles at the fact that he did, and that I tried to hide my face from him to keep my skin tone not bright red. 

"Just shut up, we don't have that much room to do anything so we can just hope that someone will come looking for us." I say, earning a silent nod from him. 

It's quiet now, except for the rubbing together of fabrics because when we finished bickering, he shifted his body weight so his thigh is even further up between my legs, making me move around more so he doesn't feel my erection in my pants. My hands are shaky and by my side as best as they can be.

"I said stop moving around so much."

"Yea well It's still not my fault that you take up the whole closet and that I have to be squished beneath you." 

"So just lay down on me and stop moving around!" He says, placing his hand on my back, shoving me down onto him, and his thigh grinding against my bulge.

I let out a loud noise that I'm not proud of, making him look down on me in slight confusion and making me cover my face in my hands on his chest.

Oh my god, did I seriously moan because of him?! 

God he's never going to let me forget this...

"Uhm- are you okay?" He asks, trying to uncover my face but I just close my hands harder, hoping to achieve something.

"It's n-nothing! Just s-shut up and leave me alone you fucker!" I scream at him weakly, stuttering on my words in embarrassment.

I feel something change in the atmosphere, and a hand on my thigh. I lift my hands slightly to see his hand gliding across my thigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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