Chapter 35 - Herc Can't Keep A Secret

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A/N: not my best work but at least I tried

Alex's POV:

Eventually, Peter came to pick me up.

I kissed John's cheek before entering the car. Peter took note of that, giving me the biggest fangirling squeal, I have ever heard when I entered the car.

"OH MY DAYS, ARE YOU TWO DATING NOW?!" He screamed as I waved goodbye to John, who was still standing by the pavement, via window.

"Yes, we are." I said back to Peter as he pulled the car onto the street, disappearing into all the cars.

I watched John the entire time. I saw as his features turned from happy to disappointed. I never saw him leave his place until we turned a corner and I couldn't see him again. Suddenly I realized that Peter was talking to me the entire time, asking me a question.

"Yes." I blurted out to answer whatever question he was asking me.

"You weren't listening to a word I was saying, were you?" Peter asked and I shook my head, nervously tugging my suit sleeves over my forearm.

My eyes focused on the fabric covering up my self-harm marks. It was healing now, after a while of not cutting. I guess I was feeling better. I thought back to John when I thought of 'better'. Oh god, what was I going to do if he saw my scars?

He won't find out. I reassured myself. Eventually when he does see it, it will be healed and long gone.

I refocused my eyes to the front, then realized that Peter didn't hear my answer because I was shaking my head so I just said no.

"Well good because you just agreed to stealing money from a bank and spending it all getting drunk."

"Then I still stand by that offer." I chuckled. I was feeling extremely giddy, especially when I gave John that little peck on the cheek. That gave me quite an adrenaline rush.

"No drinking until 21." Peter laughed, shaking his head slightly.

"Like you know that will happen." I scoff playfully.

Peter was like the dad I never had. I don't know what I would do without him.

aNdPeGgAy: wow this chat dry af

At first, I was a bit confused by the text, but then remembered Laf and Herc had added me to a group chat a while ago.

I opened WhatsApp and pressed 'Don't Modulate The Key And Not Debate With Me' group chat, where the notification was sent.

OuiOuiBaguette: yeah, well people have lives Peggy

aNdPeGgAy: fine chill

Hameelioton: what's up with the gc name?

InThePlaceToBe: it's something Peggy said a lot in highschool

I blushed furiously to see John's text. I can't believe this was finally happening. Our relationship. It was exhilarating and I couldn't contain my excitement.

HERCULESMUFFINMAN: idk but that is such a dumb thing to say


Hameelioton: ah yes, I see it now.

I typed out, laughing at my own joke even if it wasn't that funny. I was happy to have friends like this, especially ones this close.

"Hey, whatcha doing?" Peter asked from the driver's seat.

"Texting." I answered.

"Ugh, teenagers." Peter joked.

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