Untitled Part 14

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[Taylor was sitting in the counsellor office]

Ms Brown: why don't you tell me about what happened on that day? 

"Oh fuck me" Taylor muttered under her breath. 

Taylor: what are you, my therapist?

Ms Brown: Taylor [she warned]

Taylor: I don't want to okay. It's been a year, I'm over it 

Ms Brown: okay, are you a good liar 

Taylor: mmmm, yeah, yeah you gotta be 

Ms Brown: are you a great liar? 

Taylor: yeah 

Ms Brown: what's the lie everyone should what out for. That you'll be using again and again 

Taylor: I'm fine, cause wether I admit it to myself or not. I'm not okay

Everyone feels bad for the girl.

Ms Brown: well, you've released an album 

Taylor: how do you know that?

Ms Brown: Caroline likes playing it

"Wait your Taylor Jackson?" Hermione says and Taylor nods. "I love sour so much"

"What it's only Sour that's out?" Taylor asks 

"Yeah, why" 


"What year are you from" Natasha asked and Taylor looked at her mother. 


Taylor: of course she does

Ms Brown: wanna talk about the lyrics 

Taylor: No

Ms Brown: okay well I'll see you next week then 

Taylor: bye

[Taylor gets her stuff and walks out the office]

Andy: what's Miss Perfect done now [leaning on the wall next to the office]

"I'm guessing you're popular" Wanda says and Taylor nods her head. Even though she was 9 years old then the girl that was on the screen.

Taylor: fuck off Andy  

Andy: hmmmm

Taylor: I'm sorry 

Andy: don't be, he was your brother 

"What happened" Steve asked and Taylor looks at him. 

"What do you think?" 

Taylor: he really loved you, you know. Even if he never told me 

Andy: Now it's my sole mission to annoy you

Taylor: ha ha very funny

Andy: you know if Blair finds out

Taylor: she won't

Andy: don't be so sure about that, she's Queen Bee 

Taylor: maybe, but I'm more popular than both her and Serena, they don't cross me

Andy: so where are you parents nowadays 

Taylor: [sarcastically] being heroes

Announcer: [announcement over speaker, set over Wanda and Pietro holding hands]Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack. We are under attack. [the Avengers are in the process of infiltrating a HYDRA base in Sokovia, making their way through the woods and fighting soldiers]

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