Chapter 10: God's Gonna Trouble the Water

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Abigail's POV

Hope and Abigail's Room

Hope was still laying on her bed while Freya was sitting down on mine and I was just sitting on the floor, my head down remembering seeing Hayley burn, flashing in my mind. Placing my hand on my stomach to still feel my wound from where Greta stabbed me and I couldn't help but feel like a failure, it was my fault.

I heard a gasp and saw Hope getting up, "Mom?" Hope said breathing looking around

Freya got up, "Hope" She said but Hope was still looking for Freya

"Mom?" She asked again

"I'm here" Freya coaxed trying to calm her down

"What happened? Where is she?" Hope asked still frantic as lights shattered

"Breathe, you're safe now" Freya said to Hope trying to calm her down

"Where is my mom?" Hope asked but after no response, "What?" Hope further questioned

"She's gone" Freya said and Hope started to break down

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,," Hope whimpered holding onto Freya

I couldn't bear to be there anymore, it was all my fault so I stood up leaning against the wall for support taking one more look at Hope before walking out.

The Woods

I made my way into the woods, seeing no one around and let out a scream of anger, falling to the ground on my knees breaking down in tears and I wouldn't be surprised if everyone heard me including Hope.

I felt arms wrap around me and saw a flash of blonde hair but I felt safe so I leaned into the hold, "It's all my fault" I said crying even harder, "I should have stopped it" I added feeling terrible

"Honey, it isn't. You did what you could have, you're just a kid" Caroline told me, tightening her hold on me

"I just want her back, she always knew how to make Hope and I feel better, like how you do it" I tell her still crying

"It's a mother thing but right now Abby, Hope needs you because she can barely see her dad, she's gonna need her best friend there to keep her calm, you're the only one who can do it Abby" Caroline tells me and my tears finally stop

I feel a wave of determination take over, "I'm gonna keep Hope safe, whatever it takes" I tell her giving her one last hug before heading back to our room.

Hope and Abigail's Room

I saw Freya sitting next to the door and gave her a slight nod before heading into our room and I saw Hope picking out some clothes, "Hey" I say causing Hope to whip around and launch into my arms

"I heard you scream but Freya told me you would need a minute" Hope told me and I nodded

"She was right but now I'm here for you, Hope and I'm gonna do whatever it takes to keep you safe, okay?" I tell her and she nods holding onto me tightly

"Just don't leave me" She whispers

"Never in a million years" I whisper back holding on tightly wincing slightly from the injury causing Hope to step back

"What's wrong?" She asked and I sighed not wanting to lie to her so I lifted my shirt showing her the stab wound

"What happened?" She asked and I sighed again

"After Greta knocked you out, she stabbed me with a wooden stake to keep me from hurting her or Roman" I told her and I could see her eyes clouded with anger

My SaviorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon