Chapter 2

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That goat was not a lone goat.

I think my eyes are broken.

There, where his legs should have been, Sol had a goat's backhind.

I thought back to last October.

Sol had come just after that.

Could he turn into a goat?!?!

I was staring at him with wide, about to ask something when he said, "I knew we should have taken you in October!"

My dad cleared his throat, "Yes, Sol, how fast can you get us to Camp?"

I am technically using a Roman goddess(Abeona, goddess of outward journeys and safe passage) for Terra's godly parent, but lets just pretend she's Greek for plot reasons

"Since Terra is a daughter of Abeona, we should get there safely in a few hours." Sol replied

My dad and Terra nodded.

"Hold up!" I shouted as they walked out the door, "What "camp" and where are we going?!?!"

Terra sighed "Gabe, just get in the car please!"

Reluctantly, I got in the car.

Terra seemed to be almost glowing the whole car ride, and every minute, she seemed to get more and more tired until she eventually passed out.

My dad cursed and Sol got really nervous.

I hadn't failed to notice that the scenery had changed drastically.

It went from city-like environment to a more city-like environment to pine trees racing by the ocean.

"How much longer?" Sol asked

"Just another mile or so." my dad responded.

The car finally stopped at the bottom of a hill labeled Delphi Strawberry Service and Sol screamed for who knows why.

Terra woke with a start, "Wha-?"

"We're here, let's go, quick" Sol told her

"Bye kiddos," my dad told us "Try not to die Gabe."

He gave me a friendly smile.

"Try not to die?!?! Why would i be trying not to die?!?!?!"

"Gabe, lets go before something happens" Terra glanced around nervously

"Bye, Terra if you need anything, I'll be staying at your Aunt's apartment in Brooklyn." My dad said and then he left.

Our little group made our way the hill, where we saw a tree, and behind the tree, was a whole valley of civilization

"Woah," I said

"You think that's cool, just wait till you see it up close" Terra said, walking past the tree.

I followed her through.

"I should go," Sol said "Take Gabriel up to the big house."

Terra nodded and led me towards a bright blue house, and it lives up to it's name because it was a fairly big house.

She opened the door and yelled out "Chiron?"

A man in a wheel chair rolled into the room.

"Yes Terra?" The man said.

"I'd like you to meet my brother, Gabriel." Terra gestured to me.

I waved to Chiron. "Hi"

He smiled "Hello, I bet you're wondering whats going on right now."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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