1/2/2020 ; New Year

26 1 3

Well, so it's the new year. Fantastic. Why am I writing this? Does it ever look like I know?

Some.. guy, gifted me this. He just came up to me and handed me this raggedy looking book, which honestly, seems like some guy just taking out his trash. 

Whatever, better put this book to use, good for him — since I've been studying magic.

Pyrokinetic Flare

It's a spell, I guess. A basic one in the Phoenix Family. Like literally every other spell, it can be done with wand or hand. I don't recommend wand, cause some Ironwood isn't exactly the best, and by that I mean your little weapon will absolutely blow up into flames. No buts.

Flame sprouts from the wand or your middle finger — which in my opinion, is the best part. The fire then crawls over your entire arm and goddamn it burns, but it's a good weapon for beginners. However, it does become mad freaking powerful if you've been using it for long enough, which I'm guessing is never because no one cares enough to improve their Pyrokinetic Flare when you could just resort to Igenous Pyrogranite.

Yeah, and the gesture to activate the spell alongside screaming the goddamn thing from the top of your lungs is just to flick your middle finger really hard. Which I'd prefer to call the "Fuck off" gesture but you do you.

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