walking around dad's work

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After leaving dad's changing room I decided since I was just off highschool for a weekend I'd find the cafeteria for a snack not paying attention to what was around me I smacked into Owen Hart who decided to make the wrong move and slap me infront of his brother.
Bret: Owen Hart hit her again and I'll break your hand myself* signs and helps her off the floor* you alright?

Charlotte:* signs* I'm fine thanks tho* looks at his brother* your lucky dude I'm not my father

Owen: why should I be lucky who's your dad?

Rick:* walks up behind Charlotte* hey kiddo I see you met Bret and Owen Hart

Charlotte: y yeah I did

Rick: they playing nice with you?

Charlotte: yes father they are well except for Owen and I had a little bit of a tussle

Rick: Owen do I want to know what you did to my daughter?

Bret: he slapped your daughter until I stepped in and Rick do teach her some arm locks to defend herself with around here it'll do her some good

Charlotte:* watches them walk away stunned by what Bret said and signs now dad was going to beat the tar out of Owen and as if he could read my mind he did just that* oh for crying out loud dad are you kidding me* walks away from them not wanting to be embarrassed even more and walks right outside not caring and lost in thought about Bret he actually cared about my safety around the guys which was sweet but I could handle myself as is*

Bret:* after my match and dealing with Rick I wanted to check on his daughter see how she was doing being around all us big guys and walks outside lighting a cigarette and leans against the wall beside her* hey how ya holding up?

Charlotte:* rolls my eyes a bit* how do you think I'm in over my head looking after my father's medical bills after my mother died and I'm still paying off the funeral expenses

Bret:* looks at Charlotte and signs* I'm sorry I didn't know that you were going through this much but I may be able to help you with some of the bills until you get back on your feet more

Charlotte: b Bret no I can't let you do that you need that money more than me besides I couldn't pay you back even if I could

Bret: char let me help you's your dad gave me the career bump to make me a better wrestler the least I can give back is a little bit of debt relief

Charlotte:* signs giving in* fine if it'll make you happy but please don't tell anyone about our situation

Bret: tell people what they hate me here in the company should have been a cowboy growing up

Charlotte: okay where are you from?

Bret: Calgary Alberta Canada

Charlotte:* giggles* wow you have got to show me pictures someday

Bret: how about a nice weekend and I can show you in person

Charlotte:* laughs* maybe we'll have to see

Rick:* walks over with Bret's half-brother Davey* well look at you two getting along

Charlotte:* jumps spooked and hands Bret his smoke back* d dad the hell

Davey:* laughs* Bret's got a girlfriend after his fourth relationship sunk like a ship

Bret: shut it Davey or I'll put you in the sharpshooter again

Davey: ooooh so Bret the hitman Hart doesn't want people knowing that he's got a sidepiece

Charlotte:* walks over to Davey and twists his arm behind his back* I'm a what now Mr. Davey

Davey:* winces* I take it back I'm sorry let me go

Charlotte:* Huff's and walks away letting him go and gets in my car peeling off somewhere to calm down*

Bret: way to go Davey you had to open your mouth for once I could actually talk to a lady without having to put up a fake facade and you pretty much made her not want to get to know us guys as a family

Davey: ah Owen didn't like her anyway she was too preppy and stuck up

Bret:* walks off and starts my bike taking off i was on my last nerve with my brothers and it was all because I was getting along with her so I pulled up to my favorite beach here and sat on the sand frustrated not knowing that Charlotte was here driving a four-wheeler*

Charlotte:* revs up my four-wheeler and takes off across the sand I didn't see Bret sitting there until I sprayed him with sand and jumped off the four-wheeler* shit sorry Bret I didn't see you

Bret:* shakes the sand off me and laughs* it's all good char and I'm sorry about my idiot half brother Davey honestly I don't know why I still defend my family when their being morons

Charlotte:* sits down next to Bret* Bret you care about your family and their well being even if they do act like a bunch of idiots they at least know that no matter what happens you'll be there when they need you the most and that's what matters* helps him clean the sand out of his hair*

Bret:* laughs and smiles* ya know I wasn't expecting the queen Rick Flair's daughter to be a bit of a tomboy on a four-wheeler?

Charlotte:* laughs* don't tell anyone it's the only time I feel like myself and not putting on a city girl act and I kinda like to driving it when I'm out here

Bret:* chuckles and helps Charlotte stand up* don't be out to late alright and I guess I will see you tomorrow sometime

Charlotte: see you then I guess goodnight Bret Hart

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