a month of training and a hidden secret

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After watching Charlotte get better and better with her training I was starting to get impressed with her

Davey: Charlotte try keeping your one arm bent and hugging your side with that head lock

Charlotte: okay I'll try and keep that in mind Davey it's just a lot to learn all at once

Owen: okay I admit it she's impressive for a female wrestler and no Charlotte that is an honest complement

Charlotte: I know but I should be the one apologising I did kick you in your own home

Owen: eh I needed it I'm cocky and I shouldn't be at times

Charlotte: Davey I wanted to ask you why you looked shaken on the horse but I didn't want to pry you

Davey: Charlotte I was a bronc rider before I got into wrestling I had a bad accident and I haven't exactly ridden a horse since until I had to help Bret look for you because Owen hates horses

Charlotte:* gasps* you hate horses Owen why?

Owen: they almost killed my brother they murdered my mother the same way he was injured why should I have love for a creature that killed my mother

Charlotte:* signs* Owen walk with me just trust me* walks with Owen into the horse barn and puts a cookie in his hand and shows him how to hold his hand around them*

Owen:* cringes* sorry I just can't do this their dangerous

Charlotte:* chuckles* relax* smiles when the horse nudged him for more treats* good luck* heads back to Bret and Davey* hey guys

Davey: what'd you do with Owen?

Bret: probably tortured him

Charlotte: nope but I may have fixed his hatred for horses ya just gotta use a little positive reinforcement I guess it even works on Owen

Bret: you got that stubborn fuck to hang around a horse for more than two seconds

Davey: Damn girl's a keeper there Bret hint hint

Bret: shut it Davey* chuckles I knew Davey was hinting at me to ask her out*

Charlotte: do I wanna know?

Bret: no no you don't just Davey's mind being a not so good place to be digging into right now* starts heading out of the training building with char and flips Davey the finger which got him laughing*

Davey: awww Bret has a crush* as soon as we all sat down for dinner I kept picking on Bret* come on Bret why ya going pink and red you like someone

Bret: Davey shut up before I stab you damn it* signs and purposely moves his plate and knife and fork slamming his head off the table and walks off to my room*

Charlotte:* signs* excuse me for a moment Mr. Hart I'll go check on him* walks off to his room and knocks* Bret you alright?

Bret:* relaxes a bit and signs* yeah I'm alright I just need a minute to gather myself

Charlotte: Bret what's really bothering you

Bret: nothing Charlotte I promise

Charlotte: okay* walks back downstairs and signs helping Davey with the dishes and goes out to the barn and catches the feeding bucket before it fell over on Stu* I got it Stu go relax before you break yourself

Stu:* signs* thank you Charlotte for the help but you don't have to

Charlotte: I know but go relax you have earned it* finishes filling the feed bucket and feeds the horses for him which took almost three trips and then fills their water buckets I was on my last water bucket when Bret walked in*

Bret:* silently watches Charlotte with the horses and smiles she was adapting here better than my sister in law's ever did*

Charlotte:* turns around to get the last bucket of water for the horses and shreaks seeing Bret* Bret how long have you been standing there for?

Bret: long enough to see you get a kiss from ol' dusty that is I guess he approves of you more than my sisters!

Charlotte: is that so?

Bret: yup they can't even get near him like that without getting bit but my brother's and you can he's a picky one

Charlotte: maybe he's trying to tell you's something about those two who knows

Bret: maybe but I do know this he's not going to like the fact that you have to head home tomorrow and neither am I

Charlotte:* as soon as Bret said that dusty started sulking in his stall* aww dusty buddy I promise to come visit as much as possible and maybe I'll bring some yummy cookies or carrots with me

Bret:* chuckles* he'd love that and for the record you have hay in your hair

Charlotte: oh well* fills Dusty's water bucket and signs I didn't want to admit that I was going to miss being here but I honestly was I also missed being home*

Davey:* after Charlotte headed back home three months ago Bret was moping around and dusty wouldn't leave his stall and I was missing her being around just as much as Bret and Owen* Jesus Christ it's boring around here

Owen: no shit I'm making myself crazy sitting here

Bret: then go train I'm not interested* Lay's on the floor and signs*

Owen: whoa Bret what's gotten into you normally it's you who wants to do something and us wanting to be lazy?

Bret:* sulks and wraps up in the blanket I lent Charlotte*

Davey: someone's missing his piece of heaven

Charlotte:* is in the middle of my training with my dad when Stu walked in and I landed hard not paying attention and rolls out of the ring* ow h hey Stu what's up?

Stu: please come back to the ranch I can't take the boys moping around anymore and dusty he won't leave his stall and I'm losing my brain

Charlotte:* signs and stands back up and grabs my bag and head's out* I will think about it

Bret:* falls asleep on the couch and sulks *

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