Back to the Old House - The Smiths

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13th November 2023 - 1:12 pm
There Ophelia took ground. Her chocolate eyes gazed upon the looming building set before her. Camden Town Hall.

This is where the past shall be uncovered and discovered. But will this document be worth the worrying, pain, enduring, tireless work? She'll just have to wait and see.

She stuffed her hands inside her deep pockets of her brown leather jacket and took the leap of faith into this beautifully designed building that lay here.

She walked into the reception of this place and admired the architectural beauty.

'Sorry ma'am, may I help you,'

Ophelia leapt as she was pulled out of her own brains thoughts. She swished around to be met by an old lady. She wore horn-rimmed black glasses and a striking red lip, very striking. She smiled patiently waiting for Ophelias response.

'Oh yeah, yeah sorry,' Ophelia stuttered, straightening herself up. She reminded herself about this so called confidence and independence she was always talking about. 'My name is Ophelia Solomons, I'm here about a document concerning the Solomons family. I rang here a couple of days ago and I have and appointment,' she announced this in the confidence she had very much promised herself.

The old lady skimmed through the book that rested in her fingers. She stopped at a page and examined the writing that resides there. 'Ah I see, Ophelia Solomons. Right if you'd like to follow me,'

She gestured at Ophelia to begin following her down a decorative corridor. Down they went until they reached a door labelled 'Local Family Documents'

She bit her lip in anticipation. She wanted to prove to her father her capability, she needed to. She was desperate.

'I'll just pop back in a moment dearie,' the old woman shone a smile at her and wandered into the room full of towering cabinets.

This one document will make or break Ophelias. work. This one document. She watched as the woman filed through the 'SO' cabinet in search of the Solomon file.

Ophelia waited as patiently as she could. This was just so exciting.

The woman wandered back out with and old, withered envelope. 'Here you go lovely. Now, please have this returned by this evening at 5 o'clock. If it is damaged you will have to reimburse us. Thank you!'

'Thank you so much ma'am, I promise I won't damage it,' Ophelia proclaimed. She could practically hear her heart beating in her chest. Her it was. The answer. The final answer.

She exited the building and took a deep breath from the bottom of her lithe body. She closed her eyes and just took in the substantial moment. She let herself bask in the suns soft touch.

She sat down on the steps and felt the corners of the envelope. This was it. She slowly undone the envelope and took out its contents. Her eyes widened and her stomach leapt.

To Alfie Solomons,Time - 3 pmOakleys Meadow by the Grand Union Canals, Brentford

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To Alfie Solomons,
Time - 3 pm
Oakleys Meadow by the Grand Union Canals, Brentford.
Yours sincerely, Shelby Company Ltd.

Her eyes wandered to the top of that page and looked at the date. 17th September 1923. Just 100 years ago. September 17th, that was three days before business bloomed once again for the Solomons clan.

Her body jolted to a stand with the looming excitement that took over her spirit. She fixated her eyes on the old and withered writing of Shelby Company Ltd. She had never heard that name cross her curious ears before.

She didn't know what to do first. Her brain raced 100 miles a minute trying to figure out her next move. She just couldn't decide. Her breathing quickened as she mulled over her options.

She paced down the worn set of stairs passing bundles of people drawn into their own conversations.

She knew what she wanted to do, she wanted to journey to these meadows. She just had a gut feeling that took over her entire soul. Brentford was where she yearned to make her way to.

It was only 42 minutes, could she wait 42 more minutes? Well she was going to have to endure.

A luminous smile cracked open on her graceful face. Her eyes gleamed and she whipped her head back and let her long locks cascade down her back, dancing in the cool wind. Her cheeks had turned a slight cherry red from the cold nipping at her but it did not bother her.

It was finally here. She was going to disclose everything. The truth.

She knew Shelby Company Ltd. had a massive role in this but she just needed to go to these precious meadows. It was a must.

She took happy strides and stood at the edge of the road. She watched as mountains of cars passed her by. She kept an eye for a taxi.

She was exhilarated. Peace at last peace.

She briskly stepped over as a black taxi pulled up to the foot path to invite her into the vehicle. Gladly and graciously she obligingly hopped in.

As she got in a smell of cigarette smoke overtook her. She raised her eyebrows in disgust but this could not dampen her spirits. Someone would have to shoot her to dampen her spirits. It's all slowly working out. The pieces of this draining puzzle. This was one of the most significant moment in her 25 years of living.

A middled aged man turned speedily and grunted at her. 'Where you off to,'

'Brentford, Oakley Meadows,' Ophelia enquired with great pleasure.

'Right,' he turned back into his spot and began the drive leaving Ophelia suffocating in her own anticipation and ideas.

Why did she even want to go to this place? It's just a meadow. Nothing there. Nothing. She tapped her foot and grinder her feet the whole ride.

She observed the buildings and streets slightly as they slipped by them in the cab. She bit her rosy lips and inhaled and exhaled her thoughts. Her life on the line. Not really but that was the feeling.

She decided to close her eyes and embrace these moments of tranquility before the huge storm of elation.


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