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Ace's Pov

The walls were always white, the bed's always had the most uncomfortable mattress. I have been here for a long while. 7 whole years I suppose from what those stupid ass doctors say. That bitch was ungrateful, I killed them for her. Her father beat her and I tried to save her yet here was my thank you being put into a looney bin. I wanted to murder her at this point. It has been 7 years....I tried telling myself she was just doing this to feel safe and the way I dealt with things was a little too much. I sighed not caring much anymore. Honestly she was one of them.....The selfish creatures that couldn't see the good in what I did. She knew that I was a gang leader yet I stayed here in america for so fucking long and this stupid bitch wanted to do this...Of course my gang would break me out soon. But soon she would die at the hands of my gang for hurting me. I wouldn't touch that fucking slut with my hands anymore. Once a betrayer always will be I knew if I did it she would try and get to me.

I personally get back to my home in Rome. I didn't care about that slut much besides killing her. I wanted her head plastered on my wall in the hall. I sighed getting out of my bed as I heard my door unlock. Indicating that the nurse was about to walk in. I kept my head down not really want to see that fat fucker that loved to fuck with the other men that were gay. He would never fuck with me because one I was not gay and two I made sure very sure that he fucking knew that. I heard a soft voice nothing like that fat fuckers voice that I heard the day before.

"I am the new nurse, the other nurse ... .Had some medical issues to attend to."

No doubt he got his dick cut off or something like that. I sighed looking up at the new nurse stopping in my tracks as I trail over his features. He had cute curly hair, his eyes were the cutest shades, and his smile was the cutest thing I have ever seen. His body was similar to that of a woman's. So curvy and his thighs were slightly thicker. His body showed he was a female but his voice said differently. I paid close attention to how he walked into my cell as I thought. He could be one of those femboy's but he didn't come off as one. I tilt my head confused slightly before he giggled fucking giggled and spoke softly to me.

"I am transgender. That's why my body is like this."
I tilted my head at him.

"How did you know what I was thinking?"

"Personally I get those looks once or twice a day that I know what it means by now. Curiosity."

I chuckled in amusement. This boy was smart to smart for his own good. I felt myself getting hard which made me stop smiling. I didn't understand. I was never one to be into men. I never even thought of a guy as cute, not even a boy. But there was something about him that caught my attention. Could I be into guys? No no no I wasn't gay that was for sure.....But what if he was the one exception? You know where you're only hard or turned on by that one person and nobody else. Maybe that was it. To be fair he once was a woman so I couldn't complain that would mean he had the best of both worlds right? I stared at his ass as he got the shot ready for me. It was pretty and thick and my hand would fit perfectly on it. I wonder if he has gotten bottom surgery.

I leaned back and I smiled at him as he turned around.

"I read your file..."
I read your file....He did? What did he read exactly? Those fuckers never put everything in those fuckers. Shit did he hate me for it...He was one of those fuckers that didn't understand either wasn't he...Why does it hurt to think he hates me. I shouldn't fucking care what he thinks but for some reason I do? I sighed, rubbing my face tiredly.

"I don't blame you for what you did."

My head shot up to look him in the eyes with curiosity. He didn't hate me. He isn't judging me, nor does he hate me, his eyes shown...Sympathy? Oh, baby don't fucking show me those emotions in your eyes. My demon will take that more than what it means and eat your alive kid...

"It's fine you don't have to say anything. I just read between the lines. I don't think she appreciated what you did."
My demon stirred slowly; he was lurking for him to say something more. Oh, baby boy doesn't say things like that. You're going to make him come out and play and you will regret that. Please don't say it....

"Honestly, I would be thankful a guy would do that. It means that they love you right?"
Oh, cute boy. What have you done, why would you say that? I sighed, you cute little innocent thing. Who the fuck hurt you so much that you have tears in your eyes...You don't deserve those tears in your eyes. You are too innocent and cute to have those tears. You're to ...... Perfect. Perfect. That was why I felt these feelings towards him. He was perfect. He was so innocent. Usually, I was used to women that were innocent. But women were just whores that didn't deserve the time of the day. This boy was trapped in a women's body and realized that himself.

He was fucking so smart. He didn't have tits that were easy to tell because he didn't have the binder on which you could see through the small see-through scrub. But I was sure he still had the bottom half because of how uncomfortable he still was. But to me all that meant was he was a pussy boy. A boy that was with a pussy there were plenty of males like that that was born with a pussy or both a dick and pussy. It was no different. He was a cute boy that needed attention. You could see that this was the reason that he was hurt most likely because of those stupid idiots that didn't know shit. I tilt my head slowly. I saw his hand shaking as he watched me carefully. Anxiety? Oh, baby you cute little thing. I smiled softly at him pulling him closer letting my arm be put in front of him so he can draw my blood to test for shit and give me my shot for the day.

"It's ok baby boy. Go ahead, it won't hurt me, I promise."
He smiles softly nodding slowly as I can see his shaking slow down. He turned serious which was fucking adorable. I smiled more as he finished putting a cute band aid on my arm, smiling. I see him frown softly before he nods at me rushing out. I frown at how fast he left. More than likely if he had anxiety there was more than that. Especially with how he was acting. I sighed, still upset he left so soon. I leaned back as the door shut. I smirked as I pulled out my phone. He was going to be mine and he was going to come with me to Rome even if I had to drag him.

I typed into my phone the one contact I had.

To Luke: I found a boy that will be coming with us. He isn't one of the prisoners here; he is a nurse with curly brown hair, cute brown eyes, and a trans boy. You can't miss it. If he is injured doing this best believe I will fucking kill the person or people that put their hands on him understand.

Immediately after I sent that I got a text back.

From Luke: You got it boss.

I smiled. That cute boy was going to love Rome. And best believe he will be a spoiled boy. He deserves it. I smile, I found my baby boy. 

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