Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Sneaking into the office of the Midnight Ace had been far too easy. Not that Eddie was complaining. He was disturbed at how easy it was, but certainly not complaining. Chimney had been about to say something about how lucky they had been that none of the officers looked their way or noticed the sound of the door to the office closing, and Eddie had cut him off.

"Stop right there," Eddie interrupted, holding up his hand, "before you jinx us."

He recognised the words coming from his lips far too late to stop the sly and cocky smile sliding onto Chimney's face, and damn it… Buck was rubbing off on him. Buck and his little superstitions that he let slip every so often. Between him and the rest of the 118, it was a wonder Eddie hadn't broken sooner.

"Don't," he growled out, before Chimney could say what was so clearly glistening in the mischief of his eyes.

Chimney cleared his throat, holding his hands up in defeat. "I wasn't gonna…"


Eddie circled the desk and began rummaging through the folders and papers scattered there as Chimney looked around the rest of the room. There was a lot there that meant absolutely nothing to him and would do little to help them. Keg orders, maintenance fees, and something about upcoming events that needed licencing. But the dark blue folder hidden beneath all that, the one that had 'Schedule' written across the side and front in thick letters, that he knew would definitely help.

He flipped through the pages, trying to remember the dates of the two calls they had based at the club. He was thankful that whoever kept the schedule was organised to the point of using different colour codes and neatly divided columns spaced out and clear. The schedule at the station was more a case of organised chaos that everyone just knew.

"Hey, Chimney, check this out," he said, finding the pages he needed. Chimney came to stand beside him and he flipped the pages back and forth. "David Carter. Only person to work both nights. What's the betting he's our guy?"

"You're forgetting about tonight."

But Eddie shook his head and turned to the page with that night's schedule on, finding the name easily. He sunk a little though as he thought about just how little they could do with a name. The police had a whole database to look through, but they didn't even have a computer to help them. It seemed the Midnight Ace didn't believe in a computer system, at least not one that was located in the office. "But how do we find him?"

"I think I can help with that," Chimney said, and he moved away from Eddie toward a filing cabinet he had been looking at before. It didn't take him long to look inside and pull out a file. As he opened it, he breathed in sharply and swallowed before raising his eyes to Eddie. "Well, would you look at that?"

Eddie moved closer and Chimney held the file out to him, a personnel file with several pages – the top one being a photocopy of a driver's licence with a very familiar looking photo. That all but confirmed it to Eddie. David Carter was the one who had Buck. He was the one who had been on the phone to 911 that first call and he had been there on the second call out too.

Now they had his name, and thanks to the driver's licence, his address.


Raising a shaky hand, Buck looked down at his palm, thinking over what he remembered of the night. Athena had given him a run-down of how things would go, telling him what to expect and pointing out the other officers that would be with them in the club. She assured him that the second Harris showed up, they would know about it. Except, it hadn't been Harris. It hadn't been Harris who had been plying him with dosed drinks and it hadn't been Harris periodically checking in on him, bringing up calls from years ago, calls that Buck found himself thinking about less and less.

(A 911 Buddie fanfic) Every Breath You Take (I'll be watching you...)Where stories live. Discover now