Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


The good news, Bobby thought to himself, was that there was currently no sign of Eddie or Chimney when he and Athena arrived at the small apartment building. Athena had used her station contacts to pull up the address for Devon McDaniels and within an hour they were knocking at the door, waiting for an answer.

The bad news was that no one was actually answering.

Athena pounded on the door once more, voice powerful as she called out. "LAPD. I'm just here to ask a couple of questions."

But the apartment remained as silent as before. Not even the sound of a mischievous intruder or two, searching for clues in a place they should not be.

"Maybe he's sleeping?" Bobby suggested.

"With these thin walls?" Athena shook her head and let go of a sigh as she looked over the door before trying once more. "Mr McDaniels? You're not in trouble, we just need to ask you some questions."

"He's not there," came a raspy voice from behind them.

They turned to face an older woman with grey hair shoved up into a bun. She looked at the door they had been knocking on and then back to them, and Bobby was beginning to feel thankful for noisy neighbours.

"This is the apartment of Devon McDaniels, right?" Athena questioned, hitching her thumb over her shoulder in the direction of the door.

The woman twisted up her face. "Well, it was."


"Judging by the boxes he took with him, I'd say he's gone and moved out. Bailed on the rent too if I had to guess."

"What makes you say that?" Bobby narrowed his eyes, brow furrowing.

"Landlord called by after he went. Made a right ruckus, shouting, throwing furniture about. He was pissed. Gave Miss Gladys a right old fright."

"Miss Gladys?" Athena raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing across her lips.

The woman turned into her apartment and called out with a few clicks of her tongue. Within moments, the patter of tiny paws answered and she scooped down to pick up a small dog.

"Right…" Athena let go of a light scoff. "And this landlord, I don't suppose you happen to know where we can find him?"

"You know, I might still have his business card… he gave it to my grandson a few months back." She disappeared before returning with Miss Gladys tucked under her arm as she handed the business card over to Athena.

Athena nodded in thanks and pulled a card of her own out of her pocket, passing it to the woman. "If Mr McDaniels happens to return, could you pass this on to him? We would really like to speak to him."

The lady gave a dry laugh. "Yeah, good luck with that one. I don't think he even left a forwarding address."

She went back into her apartment, and once the door was closed, Athena handed the business card over to Bobby with a raised eyebrow and thinned lips.

"D. Carter," Bobby read. "So, our bartender turned stalker is into real estate too?"

"Think about it," Athena answered. "What better way to gain access to your victims? And with the settlement from the lawsuit after the rollercoaster incident, it would be the perfect investment opportunity."

"This still doesn't help us in finding Buck."

"No, but it does help give us a list of addresses to start searching."

(A 911 Buddie fanfic) Every Breath You Take (I'll be watching you...)Where stories live. Discover now