Hiei - Demon Tournament

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You were walking around the stands, searching for Botan and the other girls. You went to the bathroom in the middle of yusuke's match, not knowing that you would get lost.

A human, lost at a demon tournament. Not good. Not good at all.

Not saying that you can't fight. I mean... You've had your fair share of demons and fighting. Those street fights helped a lot, you just didn't notice it at that time.

So as you wander around, lost, with a disgusting demon scent surrounding you. I mean what did you expect? The scent of cupcakes and flowers? Well sorry to disappoint.

You look around, finding yourself surrounded by demons.

"I've been smelling a human scent around here, it's probably just my imagination." you see one of the tall disgusting demons say to his friend.

"oh shit." you mutter out quietly.

You just keep your head down, trying not to make eye contact with the demon that just spoke.

You hear another long sniff and all of a sudden, you're pinned down to the wall. You look up with whide eyes, staring straight at an open mouth with smelly saliva and sharp teeth that probably hasn't been brushed once in the demons life.

The claws digging into your shoulder were beginning to get to much, as you struggle with grunts to get out of the demons grip.

Surrounding demons start to watch the little struggling show. A demon about to eat a human.

The next moment you you feel the grip loosen and the sound of a body hitting the floor fills your ears.

You open your eyes after closing it in fright, just to see demon blood everywhere and the body cut in half.

"Huh?" you murmur out.

"What are you doing here? Idiot." you turn your head to see Hiei staring into your soul with an intense glare.

"Hiei? Umm... Im sorry?" you stand back straight up.

"Nevermind that. Are you injured? Hurt in any way?" hiei cuts you off.

"I'm fine, only a little bruise, i swear." you don't know who you were trying to convince. Hiei or yourself.

Your shoulders ache after being harshly pushed against the wall by that demon. Head bleeding slightly.

"You don't look fine. Pathetic." hiei replies back with no emotion. But you can see the concern in his crimson eyes.

You didn't take notice of the demons, surrounding you, waiting to get a taste, until one jumps at you.

All you see is a blade cutting through the demon several times, like he's some type of pork. You see Hiei turning back to you, grabbing your arm.

"Go find your own human, pathetic peasants." Hiei speaks as he glares through the other demons souls. If looks could kill, they'd be six feet under.

"Now lets get you back to your room, unless you want to stay with me of course." Hiei looks down at you and all you can see on his face is that famous smirk of his.

"Sure thing, spikey." You tease him just to see the smirk turn into a frown.

"Well, bye now!" you quickly turn and run to the exit, Hiei running after you.

You know that he can catch you easily.

Daily dose of Hiei 😍Damn I love this man

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Daily dose of Hiei 😍
Damn I love this man.

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