Chapter 27.

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It had been a few weeks. The show had begun to be aired. As expected, Bada was trending everywhere. She had stolen not only the hearts of all girls in Korea, but she has become popular in many more countries. Trending globally. Elle was immensely proud of her girlfriend, Bada was getting all the recognition she deserved. However, Bada was also very busy. They had barely spent time together while the first few challenges had been filmed.
Elle liked and watched every 'smoke challenge' video posted by Bada. Constantly sending messages about how proud she is and how great the show is.
Bada had sat in Elles lounge when the first episode aired. She had already seen it but wanted to see her girlfriends reaction. Elle spent the whole time fangirling over Bada, blushing as if she's a celebrity and wasn't sitting beside her holding her hand. That night, Bada was very much rewarded again by Elle, as her girlfriend pampered her with kisses and touches, wanting to show how proud she was.

The K-pop mission had started and was seemingly not going the best for Bebe. Badas messages had become shorter and less frequent, her voice sounded more stressed over the phone, and even when she spent the night, she fell straight asleep. Elle was extremely patient. Sending sweet messages to Bada no matter if there weren't any replies. Listening intently and talking about her day to give the leader a break from thinking. Cuddling up to her as she slept and prepared breakfast early so it was on the table as Bada woke up.
This would do for now, Elle thought.
Whilst the show is on, She is happy committing a higher amount of effort to the relationship than Bada. She knew that afterwards, Bada would have time for her. She knew during this important time in Badas's life that she needed someone to show support and quietly care for her in the background.


Bada was becoming tense. She had a great first few weeks, succeeding in the main dancer and being able to prove to people why she was there. Now, she was trying to prove why her team was there. She knew the girls were amazing. She knew they could win. Others saw them as just Badas students.

They were versing Tsubakill, a Japanese group who had many skilled dancers, which Bada admired. In this challenge, they had to give each other a choreo to copy, and boy did Tsubakill deliver. They both put acrobatics into the performance. However, this was putting a lot of stress onto Badas teammate Tatter.
Tatter was struggling with these moves. She couldn't stick the landing , Bada just had to keep showing her support as Tatter kept trying.


They were doing their full dance for the camera now, this would be judged by the K-pop artists themselves in which they pick, who performs first. All the other crews were sat watching as Bebe took the stage.

Bada was proud of her choreography. This was her specialty. This is what she is known for. However, it did not go well. Most of the dancing was perfect, but unfortunately, Tatter didn't stick any of the landings. She appreciated the cheers from the other groups for support. Bada knew she needed to be there for Tatter as her leader and friend.

After the performances were done and everyone was leaving for more practice or home. Bada approached Tatter. "How about we get some delicious food, and then we can either enjoy a night off or practice? That's up to you, " she said sweetly to her younger friend. Tatter was sniffling, still feeling the weight on her shoulders. "I feel like a failure, I feel like I've let you all down," Tatter cries. "You haven't let us down. There is still time. I believe in you, " Bada responded. "Dinenr and more practice sounds great," Tatter nodded, receiving a giggle and pat on her head from the leader.

"Hey baby, I know I said I'd say over tonight, but Tatter needs me. It wasn't a great day for her," Bada says over the phone. She knew Elle would be okay with it. That didn't stop Bada from feeling guilty.
" That's okay, I got a call from Chris anyway to go shopping, so I might take him up on that offer if you are busy," Elle responded. Badas body stiffened. She hated being jealous of Chris, but she couldn't shake it. He was always there when she couldn't be. "Oh, okay, have fun. Send me pictures of you trying on outfits," Bada replied. "If you want nudes, baby, all you have to do is ask," Elle giggled over the phone. "If you send me nudes, I'd be by your side in a second," Bada laughs. "Don't tempt me," Elle teases. At least they still have undeniable chemistry.


Bada and the rest of the crew picked a spot not too far from their practice room. They all wanted meat, so they found a good BBQ place. After stuffing their faces and enjoying some time to feel normal again. They packed up their stuff, paid the bill, and began walking back to practice. Bada heard a familiar laugh and turned around to see Chris hand in hand with Elle running across the street. Bada froze. Elle noticed Bada in the corner of her eye and immediately stopped in her tracks.
"If this isn't the best surprise," she says, walking up to give Bada a kiss. Bada moved her head a way, rejecting Elles' kiss.
"Is everything okay?" Elle asks, worried by the angry face Bada was showing. "I thought you guys were shopping? Why is he holding your hand? " Bada asked, clearly showing her annoyance whilst staring straight at Chris. "Bada, don't be silly. Chris was dragging me across the road to convince me we should have bbq when I felt like fried chicken, we weren't just walking politely down the road together," Elle tried to explain. Bada could understand, but she wasn't in the mood to accept the story quite yet. "Okay, well, enjoy your date," she responded, turning around. The audience of Bebe and Chris were all feeling extremely uncomfortable. "Nope, you aren't leaving that way. Talk to me, or I'll follow you until you do," Elle said, huffing at her girlfriend. She pulled Bada away from the others, so they had a bit of privacy.
"Do you two always act like a couple?" Bada asked. "We don't act like a couple. Am I not allowed to have friends now, Bada? Would you say the same if you saw me like that with Nari.....or Lusher? No, you wouldn't," Elle argued. "You know he makes me uncomfortable with his flirting," Bada responded. "My friendships are important to me, Bada. I am not from Korea. I don't have many friends here. Don't make me choose or change how I am with them," Elle said in return. She wanted to stand her ground. Bada softened hearing Elle say she doesn't have many friends. "Sorry. I am just in a terrible mood, especially since I haven't had time to see you. My mind just went to the worst place seeing you like that," Bada explained. "I don't like it when you get jealous like that. It's like you can't trust me, which if I'm being honest.....out of us two I have shown I can be trusted a lot more," Elle responded. Bada dropped her head and grabbed her girlfriends hand. "You are right, I'm being stupid. Let's not fight. I am sorry," Bada says, making eye contact. Elle sighs, looks at the taller girl, and gives a chuckle. "Oh Bada, you really are something, aren't you?" She says, tucking Badas' hair behind her ears. She stands on her tiptoes and kisses her girlfriend. Bada quickly looks around to make sure nobody recognises them and gives Elle a hug and kiss, too.
"Now go practice, I'll message you later," Elle waves at the others and shooing her girlfriend away.

Bada returned to the group where Lusher stood either her arms folded. "No more self sabotaging, I dont want to be a child of divorce," Lusher joked, causing Bada to let put an embarrassed laugh.

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