The Poor Lavender Engine

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December 2nd, 3PM

Well, we four have warmed up a bit, but we are still unsure of what to do. The truck wants to stay in the shed, but we shot that idea down quickly. Harvey suggested trying to make our way to the Little Western; that way, we could find the scottish twins to help us clear snow.

Me and Zeph both agree that would probably be a good idea, so after another hour of warming up, that will be the plan.

December 2nd, 4pm

Okay, we are back on the main line, slowly crawling down the tracks with Harvey's light shining. Even with it on, we can barely see. I hope we reach Crosby, I don't think any of us like the idea of spending the night outside.

December 2nd, 7pm

Finally we reached Crosby! We quickly backed the consist into the sheds and shut the doors. We let Harvey's fire warm up the place before we dropped it. This is still very weird. We haven't seen a soul, though we don't blame anyone. It absolutely sucks being outside, and we have our engines fire to help keep us warm. The plan is tomorrow to at least make it to Tidmouth or Knapford and see if we can't get some answers. But for now, we are going to sleep. So I'll write more tomorrow.

December 3rd. 6am.

Well, we woke up this morning to find the shed doors buried, so me and Zeph had to dig it out. Even while we slept and then shoveled, the snow didn't seem to let up. Looking out at the track we took to the shed, you can't even see the track, just the lower level of snow, which indicates where Harvey had made his way through. We should be able to leave in an hour, so I'll stop writing before Zeph gets mad at me.

December 3rd, 6pm

Yes, it has been a while, but nothing happened except us slowly inching our way to Knapford, but we got here! The problem is, it is just like everywhere else. Massive snow drifts all over the station and not a soul around. Well, ok, that isn't strictly true. There are Troublesome Trucks and coaches in the yard, but besides that, no engines or people. Zeph is currently checking the station while I checked the yards, we'll meet back up at Harvey soon. I'll write again then.

December 3rd, 6:30pm

We met back up, and both of us found nothing. I asked the Trucks and Coaches if they had seen anyone, and they all said no, not since before the snowstorm at least. Though they did say that the last engine they saw was Rosie heading towards Tidmouth. So hopefully we find at least her there.

We've had a group consensus, and we will be pushing on to Tidmouth through the night. Hopefully, everything will go ok.

December 3rd, 10pm

Well, good news and bad news time. The good news is we found Rosie. the bad news is that the poor engine didn't make it to Tidmouth. She was on her side, buried in the snow. Looks like she was on her way to the sheds when the storm hit and derailed her. It was probably ice build-up if I had to guess.

"What took you three so long?!" The little tank engine snapped.

"What do you mean, Rosie?," asked Harvey, very confused.

"My crew called you three two days ago!"
She yelled back.

All three of us must have had the strangest looks on our faces because now Rosie looked confused.

" crew not call for you?," She asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

"No, I'm afraid we can't get a hold of anybody, and no one has called us. We can't even radio dispatch." I answered the lavender colored engine.

"But... but my crew left two days ago to call for! no, they have to be out in the snow somewhere!" She started panicking, looking around furiously. We didn't know how to calm her down, but soon Harvey started talking to her. "Don't assume the worst, Rosie. I'm sure they got to Tidmouth and realized they couldn't get ahold of us, so they left a note or something at the offices."

"I... yeah. Yeah, that sounds right," She gave a faint smile.

Harvey and Rosie began to talk while Zeph and I began digging the little engine out. Two days of snow was quite deep, so it is gonna take us a while to get to her.

December 4th, 2am

Well, we got her dug out, and thankfully, she looks to not be hurt too bad. Obviously, falling on her side at speed left dents and scraps, but nothing worse. We then went about using the cranes to get her back on the tracks. We decided to put her directly behind Harvey so the two engines could still talk. Of course, we made sure she could still move. We didn't want to put her through pain.
I'll write again when we get to Tidmouth.

(Authors note: Again, I apologize if this isn't a great story I'm writing. I am trying my best. Feel free to write in the comments or like it or whatever you'd like. And again, apologies)

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