Making Plans

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December 4th, 3am

Well, I feel very bad. We didn't check Rosie well enough as she was groaning in pain as we made our way towards Tidmouth, saying it was her axles. Guess one had been bent in the crash, and we didn't catch it. We asked her several times if she wanted us to go get a flatbed truck, but every time she said, 'No. I can't wait to find out about my crew." ....I really hope they are there.

December 4th, 6am

Well, we made it. We took several breaks so that Rosie could rest from her pain, though she wasn't happy about it. I'm sure she was thankful.

As soon as we arrived, we went towards the roundhouse, as like everywhere else it was buried to a high regard, so we will have to unbury it. We think we should unbury our door first before we try to unbury any of the engine berths. I'll write about what we find.

December 4th, 7am

Okay, that took longer than expected, but we were able to unbury the door and wedge it open enough to squeeze inside. As we entered, we tried the lights and shocker. They didn't work, so we resorted to flashlights. Low and behold, we found a few engines, but not as many as we were hoping for. We found Edward, Henry, James, and Emily. All of which were glad to see us. but were confused about everything and especially by why we were there. So, me and Zeph took turns telling the engines about what little we knew and had seen, while the other one would go outside and start shoveling out the berths. But, of course, the telling too a lot less time, and we were both soon out there shoveling while the engines were allowed to mull over what we had told them.

December 4th, 12pm

Well, despite our better judgment, we dug out all the berths. Thankfully, we could use Harvey's plow up to a point to help clear the tracks and in front of the shed. Once we had dug them out, we parked Harvey, Rosie, and the Troublesome Truck in the shed. All of the engines started talking, mostly about the state Rosie was in. We let them talk as we headed to the station. Hopefully, we'll find information on Rosie's crew or of what is happening.

December 4th, 2pm

Well, more good news and bad news. The good news is that Rosie's crew made it here, but the bad news is they had severe frostbite and didn't have time to tell anyone about their engine before they were rushed to hospital. I don't know how well Rosie will take it.

Zeph also found the train log for the day the storm came in. Seems Gordon should have been heading back here with empty coaches, Rosie was on her way back from a goods train, and Percy went out with Thomas for their mail run even though it was snowing. Edward headed here with some branchline coaches. James got back from a slow goods through the stations. Emily had just finished coal runs. Henry was supposed to take the Kipper, but it was canceled due to the weather.

So we have Gordon, Percy, and Thomas not accounted for, at least from those who started at Tidmouth. I'm hoping they all stopped at other stations and aren't hurt like Rosie.

After going back and relaying our findings to the engines, there were a lot of different emotions. Rosie was, obviously, very distraught about hearing about her crew. The other engines felt bad for her, but they also wanted to go out and help us look for the other engines. Zeph and I had to remind them that they didn't have crews to control them. At most, Zeph or I could control one of them and the other control Harvey, but that was a risky game.

December 4th, 4pm

Okay, after much talking and a bit of arguing, we are gonna take a change and run two engines. We decided to take Edward as, unlike the other three engines, he can go down the branchlines without us having to worry about the track possibly buckling. The plan will be that Zeph and Edward will head back down the Brendam Branch and go to the harbor to see if they can't find other people or engines. Hopefully, BoCo and Salty are there.

I'm gonna take Harvey and continue on to the Little Western to look for Duck, Oliver, and the twins. We will both meet back here in three days if our radios don't work. Tonight, we rest and get the engines prepared.

December 5th, 4am

Both engines are steaming nicely. We made sure they were filled to the top and then some with coal and water, and we fitted Edwards plow to him. We also decided Edward would take one of the cranes while we took the other one and the workmans coach. We decided to leave the truck and tanker here as a supply point. After we said good luck to each other we headed off our seperate ways.

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