Snippet three

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"Are you okay? You're quieter than normal." Lilly asked and  I nodded.
"Just stressed. I mean we were moments away from catching him last night when that flash bang went off. If the police had given us ten more minutes we would've had him and now he's going to be more elusive than ever."
"That's not your fault, Roien. It's not the cops fault either. They didn't know you were on their side." I huffed and nodded.
"I'm just fed up with the cops always getting in our way. Crime rates are falling because of us and the cops are just letting these guys go and targeting us instead. We're not breaking the law."
"I wish I knew what to say. My aunt always tells me that the cops mean well whenever they mess up our work but they don't know better. They are just human."
"So is your brother and so is Jose. But they know better."
"I know love but you can't get mad at people who don't know better. It's like getting mad at a puppy for chewing your shoes. You can get angry but it never lasts long."
"Thanks, Lilly." She smiled.
"We're in this together. You, me, Sikya, Jose, Joe, and Ethan. It's not one man vs all. We're a team. I promise we'll figure this out." I just nodded. We sat in the library for about an hour before we walked towards English class. I turned my implants all the way down and just scribbled in my notebook. Someone shoved my shoulder. I bit my lip and ignored it. The person shoved me again and I felt someone run towards me and the guy was shoved away. I turned my implants back up and heard yelling.
"Why are you picking on him? Is it because he's deaf? Is it because he wears gloves? You don't need to pick on people because they are different. You are ignorant and stupid if you think bullying someone will make you more popular. Touch him or even think about touching him again and I will leave more than a bruised trachea." I grabbed Lillith's wrist.
"Love, he's not worth an assault charge." She dropped the kid into his desk and returned to hers. The teacher continued teaching. The kid grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. I slid off my left glove.
"Control that ***** of yours." I grabbed his right hand with my left and focused on the cold running through my veins to run through him. He started shaking. I let go and slid my glove back on.
"Call her names again and it will end worse next time." I warned him. The bell rang and the kid was frozen to his seat. I grabbed Lilly and ran into the hall.
"Did you freeze him?" She asked, shocked.
"He called you a bad word. He deserved it." She sighed.
"You know he'll thaw shortly."
"Not the point. You could've killed him."
"But I didn't."

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