Chapter 21 - Hidden Ink

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A/n: to begin with, im sorry that it took centuries to get this chapter purz mt stupid brain got overwhelmed and couldnt be bothered to write. Also, the bot at the end im not sure is accurate because like i say, took so long to write and i think it was mentioned elsewhere but oh welll.

I will never get used to the sensational feeling of waking up with Mapi Leon, my best friend by my side. It's a warm feeling, hot and light in my chest as it flutters at the sensation of her lips tracing over mine. Delicate and soft, her fingers trace over my hips, pulling me infinitely closer. Every moment sets a fire alight in my heart, and sparks set off inside my head. It's only when she pulls away for air that the room stops spinning, my eyes settling on the softness of her eyes.

"Now, Miss Tour Guide. Where first?" She teases, tucking a stray hair behind my ear and kissing my cheek.

Grinning, I pull back the covers and climb out of the bed before turning back to face her. "First, a shower." I say, and make my way to the bathroom. "And then my house! I need clothes." Just before I close the door, her hands get to my hips and she places her head atop mine.

"Do you really?" Mapi whines and I slap her arm when it begins to navigate its way up my shirt. She's only playing, but the flirty jokes still make my cheeks burn red and I choke on my breath.

"Yes. Now let me shower, I stink." I manage before closing the door with a sharpish bang. I don't spend long in the shower, the desperate need to see Mapi again fueling along my actions as I speed through the normal routine. I clamber out and brush through the straggles of hair before realising I did not have anything to put on.

I spent a good five minutes contemplating my options, although options were limited. I could strut out and pretend to be confident, or stick my head round the door and give her the puppy eyes. I was definitely not confident, but I didn't want to seem timid either. The girl on the other side of the door has seen parts of me that nobody else has, the rough unfinished side where feelings were raw and full of hate and the softer, more vulnerable side also.

It turns out she had already thought about that, a knock breaking the silence. "Lottie, you forgot clothes baby. Want me to slide some in?" She asks, the amount of respect held towards me in her voice making my heart flutter.

"Oh, thank fuck. Yeah, please. I'm decent, just pop open the door."

I watch the door handle twist and blonde strands whip into the room, eyes following behind cautiously. Rolling my eyes at her antics, I reach forward and grab the clothing and place a chaste kiss to her lips before shoving her face out of the room lightly. I hear her huff and I giggle, pulling on the sweat shorts and tank she had pushed through the door before joining her outside. She's smiling softly, holding out my phone in her hand and dangling keys in the other. "Don't you look great in my clothes?" She teases, her arm slinging round my shoulder as she kisses my temple.

"Yeah, whatever, as soon as we get to my house I'm changing." I stick my tongue out at her and she copies me like 2 immature 5 year olds.

"That's fine. Is that where we're heading first?" Mapi asks and I nod before taking the keys from her hands and marching out of her hotel room. She's trailing behind me, close to my heels as we make the short journey towards the car. I slide into the driver's seat, while she goes into the passenger side. Almost immediately, her hand goes to my thigh, gently drawing circles into the open skin.

I leave the car park swiftly before hitting the main road, traffic flooding a clear path.
I don’t know how to get to my place from here, but I know how to get to the stadium, and once we drive past that, the journey to my place is almost second nature. It’s funny how I know this route so well, but it still doesn’t feel like I’m going home. I pull into the driveway, and Mapi scans the exterior in appreciation.

“Nice place.”
“Lucas chose it.” I reply, before realising that I need to explain that more. “I like it as well. We used to live together, and that’s why he chose it. We don’t anymore obviously, as I’ve said before. He does have a tendency to come over unannounced however, but I changed the lock so he can’t get inside. Usually I just keep quiet till he stops knocking.”
Mapi looks at me as if I’m crazy. “You just put up with him doing that?”
“At least he’s stopped calling me.” I tell her, before moving the conversation on. “Anyway, you want to go inside?”
“Nah, I was planning on sitting on the driveway for the rest of the day.” She smirks, and I drag her out of the car towards the front door.

My house doesn’t exactly look as if it’s lived in, until you walk into my bedroom. So it doesn’t take long for me to give Mapi a quick tour of the place. I show her the kitchen and the living room and the bathroom, stopping off in the spare bedroom just so she knows it exists before finishing off in my room. She hasn't said a word since we got in, just nodding her head and biting her lip.

“It's lovely.” She finally said, however I started the next sentence for her.


“Every room I walk into seems to have an air of him and it makes me shiver each time.” to prove her point, she shivers, making me laugh at her.

“Thinking about getting pest control.” I tease and we both burst out into fits of giggles. I watch as she sits on my bed, leaning into the cushions so her back hits the mattress.

“Are you still wanting to get changed?” She asks me, and I nod, making my way over to the big wooden wardrobe holding most of my clothing. Mapi's eyes burn into my back as I begin a scrambled search through the mass amount of coat hangers and draws before pulling it out of my wardrobe. It's basic. Just a pair of Jean shorts and a lumberjack shirt, tied at the front but feeling her stare at me throughout all my movements makes me conscious, but I change anyway, keeping my back facing her.

“Is that a tattoo?” I turn to face her, red flannel pressed to my chest for coverage.

Frowning, I twist my neck to try to get a look at it. “Where?”

“On your back, estúpida.” She climbs to her feet, walking over to me and placing the palm of her hand at the small of my back. Lightly, her fingers trace over the skin where the black ink is, nails scratching at one of the petals. I'm silent, allowing her to feel away at the tattoo. Finally, she sucks in a breath and hums. “It's gorgeous, bebita. How long have you had it?”

“Couple of years. I don't know how you haven't seen it yet.” I smile, my body relaxing into hers and my head lays on her shoulder.

“Was distracted with other things..” Mapi spins me around and suddenly I'm facing her again, trapped between her body and the wardrobe. She leans closer, hot air fanning over my cheeks as she tucks a strand of (damp) hair behind my ear.

Just as she reaches my lips, a jingle of keys in a lock throws us apart. 

(AGAIN SORRY FOR THE DELAY AND THANK YOU does1tmatt3r FOR ALL THE HELP!! Does she even have a tattoo? She does now. Leave a comment and correct me if anything is wrong. Love ya<3)

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