Chapter 37 - Chocolate Sundae's

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I know she's here. Somewhere amongst the rest of the fans filling out the stadium is my girlfriend. I try to clear my mind but as my body senses her presence the urge to break down every barrier I have built up in the last 4 weeks overcomes the control over my emotions. It’s too late to run. Too late to hide. I'm here now, amongst girls who have learnt to disguise the way they are feeling with fake smiles or a concentrated look. I’ve not quite got that yet, and instead I bite my lip and take a final futile glance towards the crowd to try and find her.

The game itself seems to go at 5x speed, and I can hardly remember what happened throughout it. Or how I played. Or whether I even touched the ball. But now it’s all over now, and instead I am standing waiting in the tunnel for one of the security guards to escort my girlfriend down here as a way to avoid the inevitable screeching from Jorge. If he asks I can lie, tell him I was with the fans but he will never fully trust me, and I know his response will be along the lines of “get your priorities straight.” but with more spanish vigour and a tumble of spanish expletives he knows I won't understand.

I'm yet to understand why he's so harsh on me, us, the whole team if I'm honest. It's like our best isn't good enough for him, so he works us until we pass out on the hotel beds. 

“Hola mi amor.” A whisper breaks me out of my trance, a beautiful string of Spanish into my ear. “You played so well, baby.” I can't help the soft smile from escaping, my body letting put a sigh of content on its own accord as tattooed arms wrap round my waist. “Not to mention how good you looked while doing it..” she winks seductively and I roll my eyes.

“God. Mapi. Maria. I have missed - I am missing you so much..” I whine into her shoulder, feeling like the a 4 year old all over again.

I huff in frustration, pulling off one of Mapi's huge shinpads - an unsuccessfull attempt to prevent further bruises - to reveal a fresh purple and green bruise painting the bottom of my leg and ankle.

“Tough game?” A voice asks above me, my head whipping around to greet the new person. I leap forward and wrap my arms around her legs. She pats my head, once, twice then pulls me off of her. “It's alright. You're only small, and they're mean little boys.” She sticks her tongue out to prove her point.

“They said i should run back to mummy. And that I'd dropped my tiara!” I huff again. A boy walks past, points, giggles and then skips off and I snarl in the direction before stomping my foot. “It's not fair! I want to play football too! I'm good! I am! I am! I am!” I stuff my face into the side of Mapi's hip as she laughs half-heartedly.

“Im sorry its like that, lottie.” She ruffles my hair. “Did you win?”

“No! I was about to score then one of the boys kicked my ankle. it was clearly a foul and the ref didn't even care.”

“How about me and my mamì take you for ice-cream?” Her eyebrows raise, one hand already leaning down to collect my bags and the other coming to my hand. She skips beside me, trying to get me to follow along. “Come on, lottie. Scowling doesn't help you feel better. Ice cream will. And knowing that when you're playing for Barça, with me they'll be struggling to find a job.” She pushes her hair out of her eyes and grins. “Or getting arrested for abusing women.” She starts skipping again and pulling on my arm until I have to sleep next to her or get left behind.

Her mum is waiting for us in the car, a soft smile on her face as she unlocks the doors for us both to slide in. I climb into my car seat. “Mamì! Do I need my car seat? I'm a big girl, I promise.” Mapi huffs.

“Yes, Marìa. I'm not having this argument again.” Her mum laughs and flashes me a grin. “hard game, lovey. Will a triple chocolate ice cream  sundae help?”

I nod and strap in as she begins to drive.

I'm only able to enjoy her company for a matter of minutes before I'm being dragged away back to my nightmare. “I love you!” She calls after me, and I give her a sorry smile. “I'll see you soon!”
But how soon is the end of the tireless torture?

(Woah! No way! A chapter! All jokes aside, I'm sorry for the delay I've been busy recently. Thanks to does1tmatt3r for her exceptional patience with me - you're go now 😉Love to you all<33)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31 ⏰

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