Chapter Six

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"DAMNED MAVIS AND her rule-following ass," I mutter under my breath.

The Quadrant Courtyard, usually bustling with students, now lay tranquil under the watchful gaze of the moon. It was past curfew. Everyone else would be in bed, dreaming their nice little dreams or finding comfort in the warmth of another body in their beds with them. But me? I'd been stuck listening to Amber Mavis ramble on for almost an hour about how as a squad leader I should know better than to break first-year arms. Apparently, my little stunt with Seifert hadn't gone down well with the First-Wing squad leader.

Shadows danced across the cobblestones before me, as though responding to my frustration, casting a haunting glow on the ancient architecture. It was then, amidst the stillness, that I spotted her. Violet, sneaking like a wisp of smoke across the courtyard, her figure blending seamlessly with the night. She's wearing a long black cloak, a satchel slung over her still injured arm which is tucked beneath her sling.

"Now where are you going?" my voice is barely a whisper as I narrow my eyes on her. Silent as a whisper, I follow her steps.

The Iakobos River rushes with summer runoff from the peaks above, and the currents are fast and deadly this time of year, especially coming out of the steep drop of the ravine. No wonder that first-year died when he fell in yesterday during his downtime. Since Parapet, our squad is the only one in the quadrant not to lose anyone, but I know that's unlikely to last much longer in this ruthless school.

She couldn't be out here. It was bad enough on any other night but not tonight.

"Damn it," she mutters as her toe catches a rock, and she stumbles in the waist-high grass that grows alongside the river beneath the citadel. I don't even think.

Before she can hit the ground, my hand has curled around her free arm, pulling her back to her feet and away from the grass. She freezes under my gasp and I can feel every muscle lock into place. The second I let go of her arm, Violet has stepped backwards, her hand at her dagger and her feet positioned ready for a fight.

"C'mon, Vi," I tilt my head to the side with a small, taunting smile. "You're handy with those but we both know it wouldn't save you if we fought."

Her eyes widen. "Kyna." she lets out the breath she's been holding and stands back up straight.

"Go back inside, Vi."

"What?" Violet snaps, head whipping in my direction. "Why?"

"It's past curfew."

"So?" She shrugs her shoulders and continues walking toward the ancient line of oaks. No. Not those trees. Anywhere but that way, Violet. Anywhere else.

"You shouldn't be out here."

"Neither should you."

Spotting a boulder, Violet comes to a sudden halt and begins to count the trees on the riverbank. "One, two, three," she whispers, stopping on the one tree I'd have sold my soul for her to stay away from. Its branches spread wide and high, some even daring to reach out over the river. She slips her sling from her right arm and winces when she begins to climb.

"Fuck, Vi." What was she thinking?

"Shit!" Her foot slips on the bark and my heart stutters for a heartbeat. I dive forward, positioning myself directly under her should she fall.

I didn't like this. I didn't like this one bit. She had two, maybe three minutes before the others got here. She had to get down. Now. Before it was too late. "Please, Vi. Just come down."

Stubborn as usual, she shakes her head and continues climbing. "There you are." The purple berries are a gorgeous, unripe lavender.

Seriously? That was why she was out here? Some goddamn berries.

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