Chapter Eight

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DAIN AETOS WAS DEAD. I was going to rip him to pieces then mail them to his father in a box. I was then going to rip his father to pieces and send them to my father so that he knew what was coming his way. Then, once I had ripped them all to pieces, I was going to rip apart this whole kingdom until there was no trace of them left.

I had woken at four in the morning. Fucking four am. Who the fuck was awake at that time? Not me for certain. But some idiotic fool—cough, cough, Dain Aetos— had been knocking on my door telling me his father needed to see me ASAP. Not that I rushed. Nobody—and I mean nobody— rushed me.

"Come in," Colonel Aetos says from the other side of the door. Even through a thick plant of wood, I can hear the smugness in his voice.

I really didn't want to go in there but what choice did I have? With a deep sigh, I force my face to look at least civilised before I push open the door to his office and step inside.

It's a room way too large for its own good. Bookshelves line the walls and tower over me, threatening to collapse and bury me alive in a sea of dusty tomes. And don't even get me started on the desk. It's this imposing monstrosity that seems to taunt me with its pristine surface, as if mocking my inability to comprehend the material upon it.

Not that its my fault I can't read. Well I can. The letter just...float around a lot. They enjoy dancing. Not my fault.

The chair, oh, the chair. It's as uncomfortable as they come. Hard, unforgiving, and seemingly designed to make you squirm in agony. It's like Aetos wants to ensure that I never get too comfortable, that I'm constantly reminded of my inferiority to a Colonel, a well respected Colonel. Even a princess wouldn't be able to disobey him. That damned chair was more uncomfortable than my mothers throne. And that was saying something given my mother's throne was made of solid metal with only the thinnest layer of padding. Sitting on a dragons back was comfier than his chair.

And then there's the fireplace. You'd think it would bring some warmth and cosiness to the room, but no. Instead, it's just another reminder of Aetos' superiority. The crackling fire seems to dance with delight, knowing that while it's providing comfort to the Colonel, it's only adding to my discomfort. It's like a cruel joke, a reminder that I'm trapped in this academic prison without luxuries like that.

My quarters had no fireplace. The only way I got warm was with either a thousand layers of blankets or with another person beside me. Even then, I still shivered through the night.

"You asked to see me, Colonel," I said as sweetly as I could manage given the smirk already on his face. Stopping just in front of his desk, I crossed my hands in front of me, gripping them together tightly and standing with my chin raised. The last thing I wanted was for him to think I was weak.

"Take a seat, cadet."

I'd really rather not but I did anyway. I crossed my legs over the top of one another, leaning back into the narrow chair. The picture of perfect relaxation. If only my insides were as calm as my outsides looked. Being in this room always sent me into haywire.

"How are your classes going?" he asks and I frown.

Okay that was not what I'd been expecting this conversation to be about. Nobody ever asked someone how classes were going in this place. Least of all senior leadership. You were simply expected to get on with it and manage. No help. No complaining or cheating or tutoring. The only help you would find was from other cadets.

So why was he asking me that? He wanted something.

"No offence Colonel but I do not believe that was why you asked to see me," I say, narrowing my eyes on the man. He simply smiles before pushing himself up from the chair and walking around the desk toward me.

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