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nell watched vanessa step away, mikes gaze hardened as he looked down at the photo vanessa had given him. "you knew?" he glanced up at nell before glaring over at vanessa, eleanor turned to see vanessa falter as she moved to sit down. nell zoned out in her thoughts. she knew the girl in the photo. that girl was vanessa. but how did she know her? "mike." the blonde began, nell stared softly, her expression saddened as she watched the blonde. vanessa looked so broken in that moment, nell gave the girl a soft look as the blonde turned to make eye contact with her. "this whole time. my brother. you knew." nell furrowed her brows as vanessa quickly shook her head, "not about garret, no. at least, not when we met." mike turned, glaring at the blonde. "i'm so sorry." vanessa spoke, picking at her fingers. "tell me how to stop them. tell me how to save my sister!" vanessa jumped slightly when the man yelled, quickly getting up to look around the room.

"electricity. electricity is the key." the blonde spoke, pulling out a taser that she held up for mike, watching the man put on a police belt. "we use these for animal control. there's a taser, on your belt. it won't do permanent damage, but it'll mess with the animatronic circuitry. hopefully buy you some time." vanessa shuffled awkwardly, looking towards nell who stared into nothing, zoning out by mike. "come with me. both of you." the man spoke, looking at vanessa as the girl awkwardly stumbled, shaking her head "no." the girl breathed out, holding herself up, as if she could collapse at any moment. "vanessa, you owe it to me and you owe it to them." mike stepped towards the blonde as nell turned slightly to glance over at the girl. "no i can't. if he's there i, i won't be any use to you. believe me." the girls voice broke as she spoke, turning to glance between eleanor and mike frantically. "he really messed you up, didn't he?" mike spoke softly, vanessa began breathing heavily before handing over keys. "take these." she murmured, looking away quickly.

mike pulled nell aside, giving her a stern look. "i need you to stay here." he spoke, watching as nell's expression turn frustrated. "mike." nell began before he continued, "no. vanessa told you not to go back to that place. if anything happened to you, abby wouldn't forgive me, i wouldn't forgive me." eleanor scoffed in response, rolling her eyes, "abby matters more to me than anyone. i want to be there." mike sighed quickly before looking back to nell, "it's vanessa's dad. she may be the only one who can talk some sense into him. she clearly likes you, convince her to come with you and help out." mike gave her a stern look, the two were both equally as stubborn, nell quickly sighed in defeat, knowing that the two were just biting into the time to save abby. nell reluctantly nodded, brushing past mike before she turned around, "either of you die and i will kill you." nell spoke with a glare as mike quickly turned to meet her eyes. "you sound just like your little girlfriend." he spoke with a scoff before heading to the door.

nell made her way back over to where vanessa was, seeing the blonde trying to pull herself together, controlling her breathing. nell walked over to the girl, making vanessa glance up to meet the blondes eyes, "you stayed?" she murmured as her eyes darted over eleanor, the silver haired woman sighed, stepping closer to the girl, "mike made me." vanessa's expression faltered slightly as she glanced back down at her hands, "i'm glad you stayed." the girl murmured, picking at the skin on her hands. "stop doing that." nell softly spoke, moving over to catch vanessa's hands, "this is all my fault." vanessa whispered, her voice breaking slightly.

"did you kill those kids?" nell abruptly asked with furrowed brows. vanessa met her eyes with a sad look, "no." she breathed out, glaring slightly at the woman. "then it isn't your fault. vanessa, you were a kid. he's your father. i justify my own father disowning me when he found out i was gay. that's just what people do for people they love, even when they don't deserve love." nell's eyes darted between vanessa's as she spoke, moving her hand up to rub vanessa's arm, "ness. none of this is your fault. you can't change what has happened but you can prevent what might happen tonight." nell whispered, watching tears roll down vanessa's cheeks as the blonde looked up quickly. vanessa nodded, moving to pull the silver haired girl in to a hug, nell quickly responded, moving her hand up to the back of vanessa's neck, she sighed softly as she felt vanessa pushing her face into nell's neck. "you'll be okay." nell murmured, softly scratching the girls neck before pulling back. "i'm sorry." the blonde spoke, shaking her head as she looked down. "stop doing that. you haven't done anything wrong." vanessa looked up to meet nell's eyes, eleanor could see something shift in her eyes, she looked almost guilty, like she didn't believe a thing nell was saying. vanessa quickly shook her head, looking away as she went to grab some supplies before the two headed over to freddy's.

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