~ Tutoring ~

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I was finally on my way to Robin's house I knock on his front door and he answers

"Hey amor!" Robin said motioning for me to come inside "Hey Robin" I smile waking into his house "Just follow me upstairs to my room" Robin says and hangs my jacket up "Okay" I smile and follow Robin

I walk into Robins room and he has posters and two guitars on his wall and a cool gaming set up with a TV, holy hell I didn't know Robin was so, loaded! I was kinda jealous to be honest with you to say the least :/

"Okay amor I just am stuck in this on question, and it's bugging me!" Robin says "Oh this question is easy! Let me show you the steps" I say explaining to Robin the steps, minutes later Robin leans closer to me, every second I feel him get closer until I break the silence "So, uhm...do you get it?" I ask Robin who only inches from me cheek "Oh uhm, yeah, no I mean no" Robin says as he keeps looking at my lips "Oh uhm, okay well anyway..." I continue taking about how to do some of the other problems with a smile as Robin watches

Only about an hour later, Robin leans me up against a stack of books I had brought over to help him out with his project, I look at him, and he looks at me "R-Robin?" I say as my face turns a bright read "Sh...just let me make you happy~" Robin says leaning in and kisses me, not even a minute later I feel Robin's tongue enter my mouth as I moan and tongue kiss him back, I couldn't help it, Robin was my forever crush and now he and I are kissing...

The next thing I remember is my clothes getting taken off and Robin takes his own clothes off as he places me on the bed and hovers over me with a sly grin

Then, Robin handcuffs my hands together over my head, the handcuffs..."I found them in my moms room and thought they'd come in handy~" Robin says as he then starts to go in and out of me slow until I..."F-faster~" I moan to Robin and he does so, it was like everything I told him to do he'd do just at that moment!

Hours later I hear the downstairs front doors open, I guess everyone had come over to Robins house for a sleepover or something, but that didn't stop Robin from doing his absolute best with me for longer


A little bit of all (TBP Robin x Finney) RINNEYWhere stories live. Discover now