> please disregard this chapter (i need to vent)

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so . my s/o is going to a track thing on my birthday weekend and i'm not pleased about it and i've expressed that and they are still going . plus there is a comic con i've been waiting for and they are the only person that'll go with me and that's all i wanted to do for my birthday. so a. now my feelings are hurt after i threw a surprise birthday party for their birthday and spent the whole weekend with them and i can't even get that . sometime i don't know why i even bother for people anymore . i slave over the house , cleaning , cooking etc. i feel like a domestic house wife that works a 9-5 on top of that and it's starting to get suffocating even after expressing that to them. i'm in my early twenties and i'm living like i'm 40 with kids and it's really bothering me . i just want to have fun but ya know america is a beautiful country of working ourselves half to death from a young age. but it's whatever i'll manage. anyways . that's it.

update; im forcing him to go to a bar for my birthday with my parents and friends as one way to make it up to me :))) and he has to buy me drinks. ( its my 21st this year and imma try to live it up ) 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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