Chapter 3: The Royal Disapproval

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News of the forbidden romance reached the ears of the King and Queen, and they were furious. They summoned Prince Edward to the grand hall, where their disapproval echoed through the marble walls. They couldn't fathom their son marrying a commoner, fearing it would tarnish the royal lineage.

The King's voice thundered as he demanded that Prince Edward end his relationship with Lily or face severe consequences. The Queen, her eyes filled with disappointment, pleaded for her son to reconsider. They saw their son's future as king at stake, and they were willing to do whatever it took to protect the kingdom's reputation.

The Prince, torn between his love for Lily and his duty to his family and kingdom, found himself at a crossroads. He knew that defying his parents' wishes would have dire consequences, not just for him but also for Lily. He had to make a choice that would shape their destiny.

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