Chapter 5: Lily's Journey of Betrayal

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Years passed, and Lily's heartache turned into bitterness. Consumed by anger and resentment, she vowed to make the royal family pay for their cruelty. She couldn't bear the thought of the Prince moving on, marrying someone else while she suffered in silence.

She began spreading false rumors and lies about the Prince, tarnishing his reputation and causing him immense pain. Her words twisted the truth, painting a distorted picture of the man she had once loved. The once kind-hearted girl had become a shadow of her former self, fueled by revenge and a desire to see the royal family suffer.

The kingdom whispered tales of the Prince's alleged misdeeds, and Lily reveled in the chaos she had created. But deep down, a part of her still longed for the love they had shared. Her bitterness masked the pain that still lingered within her, a constant reminder of what could have been.

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