Chapter 2

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Planning the Trip

 Once I finished babysitting for McKenzie, I got home and finished all my homework. This week was going to be boring at school because it will be last week of school. We had our exams last week, so we will most likely be watching movies or doing easy worksheets in all of our classes. 

I walked into the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth and hair, and headed to bed. I have been ready for bed since the middle of babysitting. It took me awhile to fall asleep, but when I finally did, I was out like a trout.

"Jessica! You are going to be late for school!" My mother roared from outside my door.

"Yeah, yeah." I groaned as I rolled over, trying to overcome the tiredness that washed through my body. After laying in bed for another five minutes, I finally got up to get my clothes together. I grabbed my tight, dark blue skinny jeans, a white tank top, and my aqua colored sweatshirt and headed to the bathroom.

I turned on the shower nozzle as hot as it would go and I let the shower warm up, I have made the mistake many times of stepping into the ice cold shower before it was done heating up. I am the second youngest in my family. I am eighteen, almost nineteen, my mother decided to keep me home as long as she could because she thought that I was going to be her last baby. I have two older brothers, Justin and Alan. Both of them are currently in college, but they are going to a nearby college so to cut cost they stay here. Justin happens to be the nerd of the family, when he isn't at home studying, he is out working or at his girlfriend's house where he 

Which means that they take a shower in the morning too. Today, I just happened to be the last one to take a shower, so today I was lucky enough to have hot water to last through a quick shower. I finished getting ready for school, grabbed my tall stack of book, and headed out the door.

It took me a good fifteen minutes to get to school because I had to drive past the college dorms to get to my high school. I grabbed my books and headed to my locker and threw all the books inside. "Hey Jess!" I familiar voice said.

I turned around to become face to face with my boyfriend, Danny. "Danny!" I said as I hugged him. I haven't seen him since last Thursday when he left to go visit his great aunt in Colorado. "How was the trip?" I asked excitedly.

"Great, but it would have been better with you." He leaned down and kissed my sweetly. "I've missed you." We have been high school sweethearts since our second day of Freshman year, we even planned to move to New York and attend college together so we could still be with each other. This summer will be the longest that we will have been away from each other, so I was a little reluctant at first.

"I've missed you too, what are we going to do when I leave with Leigh this summer?" I said as I saw Leigh making her way towards us. "We will figure something out, lets not worry about it right now." He leaned in for a second kiss.

"Jess, I have a list of places that my parents have vacation homes in. Want to see what our options are?" Leigh blurted so fast and quickly that I could barely understand her. "I'll leave you two to talk, see you later Jess." He gave me a hug as he walked to his first hour class.

"Let me grab my books for English and then we can talk about it." I bent down to grab my things and headed down the hall to Mrs. Wakin's classroom. We are going to watch a Moby Dick movie or cartoon verison on it, I'm not really sure which one but I can guarantee that it is going to be boring.

"Look, we have five places that we can stay." Leigh handed me a piece of paper. We sat down next to each other at the table in the far back left corner of the room.

"Paris, France; London, England; Alberta, Canada; Austin, Texas; or Rome, Italy." I read the list out loud. I thought for awhile debating on where we should go. "I don't think that we should go to Texas, I want to go out of the country for once. How about France or Italy?" I suggested. 

"I say that we go to Italy!" Leigh said, which made us get shushed by Mrs. Wakin. "I'll let my parents know later tonight and I will call you." She whispered as Mrs. Wakin turned on the documentary. I couldn't wait for school to be done with.

The rest of the day seemed to carry on for forever, which is the worst feeling in the world. As I predicted, we only watched movies and did easy worksheets all day. My last hour, and Leigh's, of the day is an open hour,  so I grabbed my books out of my locker and walked them down to the library to return them. "Thanks Jessica, your such a sweetheart." Mrs. Smith, the librarian cooed, she has always called me a sweetheart since my Freshman year. "Have a good summer Mrs. Smith, I don't plan to come back in here." I said as I head for the door. "You too hunny!" She called back.

I grabbed my keys out of my locker and headed out the school door. I drove home and waited for Leigh to call me about our summer plan. I walked through the door and headed to my room to blast the radio. I am home alone until three-thirty when both of my brothers come home.

After listening to Pink and other musicians, Leigh called me. "Hello." I answered the call.

"My parents say that Italy is out of the question. Apparently a lot of people head out there on the first week of summer, so what about Canada?"

I pondered about the suggestion and I decided that Canada was too close to us. "Naw, how about France?"

"My parents went there over spring break and they don't want to go back there again. So how about London?"

"I guess that's fine with me, I should start packing and let my mom know what the plan is. See you at school." I said as I hung up. So we are going to London, might as well start the packing right now.

One thing that  I can assure you of is that we could have gone to any one of the five places that we wanted, Leigh gets what ever she wants. She is overly obsessed with One Direction, which I heard is from England or Ireland, and I bet that that is the reason why she came up with excuses to go to London. Oh well I guess, it doesn't really matter to me as long as we have a good time. I guess if we go to London and Leigh gets to meet the love of her life, Niall Horan, it would make her life. I personally am not a fan of One Direction. Don't get me wrong, I like their one song that is always played on the radio, What Makes You Beautiful, but other than that song and that there is a person called Niall in the band, that's all I know.

I just hope that Leigh knows that the chances of her actually meeting him are very slim.

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