Chapter 3

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Lillian sallow

I fucking hate Nick, and the way he told nobody what happend and expected me to be al happy to see him he is such a Dick. But its fine Im not gonna focus on him this vacation, I have other things to do.

I walk into the bedroom im staying, i missed this i missed all of this. I always loved this room when i was little and i still do, Isabel Made it exactly how i wanted it to be.

I jump on my bed landing on my back, this is the most comfortable bed ever. "Enjoying yourself?" I hear someone say with a deep voice, I roll over to see nick standing in my door frame. I roll my eyes "fuck off nick" I answer back slightly annoyed "not happy to see me darling?" He says with his annoying voice while staring at me with his deep brown eyes "does it look like I'm fucking happy to see you?" I say annoyed while he laughs at me with his deep voice. "leave me alone nick, please" I answer without looking at him. I hear him walk away.


I'm scrolling on my phone looking trough my insta when I got a message.

Sabrina 💕: LILLIAN!! Omg please tell me your here 🤍

Me: YESS I AM!! Are you comming??

Sabrina 💕: DUHH, comming right now!

Me: Okayy cya bae 😚

I jumped of my bed and looked for an outfit, although I looked fine you can also see I have been in a car for four hours. I quickly look for an outfit and changed in to a really cute outfit. I look into the mirror admiring the outfit and walk out of my room and bumped into Danthé.

"Sorry didn't see you" I say, as he looks me up and down "you look gorgeous" he says with a handsome smile. "Thank you" I smile back "are you going somewhere?" He asks polite "well Sabrina is comming so probably" we walk to the kitchen. Sabrina crushes into the kitchen flying towards me almost pushing Danthé out of the way "omg girl I missed you so much" she hugs me thight almost killing me "Sabrina are your trying to kill me" she pulls back from the hug smiling at me "sorry bae" she says, I laugh at her cuteness "it's okay I missed you to" I give her a gentle hug this time. "Uh well okay that was intense" Danthé says while still standing next to us confused "oh fuck off, it's not like you didn't miss her" Sabrina says loudly making me laugh.


"So where are we going?" I ask sabrina "well I think it's time for shopping!!" She answers exciting wheil clapping her hands. Sabrina always wants to shop, I'm not really a shopping person I rather buy clothes online, but it's not like I don't have the money for it I just hate fitting all the clothes, store in store out.

We walk towards the shopping center, the first shop we enter is brandy Melville. I didn't find anything but Sabrina found a pair of really cute earrings. The next shop is H&M , where I buy cute black sunglasses. I was already so done with shopping but Sabrina wanted to go to C&A because she didn't found what she wanted. She bought some clothes that were surprisingly cute and not that revealing like almost all of her clothes. "Should we go to that little food station?" Sabrina asks, I'm not sure if it was a question because she was already walking towards the food station, but I was actually really hungry. "Sure" I say wheil following her into the shop.

I walk towards the chips wall and take some flaming hot Cheetos, I also took a drink, that took  me way too long to decide, but ofcourse Sabrina took way longer than me. When she's finally done we both walk to the cashier, lost in my thoughts like walkways I hear a deep voice say something but i couldn't hear him properly "Huh, I'm sorry what did you say?" I ask as I look up and met eyes with the most handsome blond boy that I have ever seen. "I asked if i knew you from somewhere" he says wheil laughing softly, my cheeks heat up im embarrassed why the actually fuck am I embarrassed "Uhm i don't know maybe you know me from Danthé, or Nick" I say back smoothly not showing my nervousness, while laughing a little.

Why the fuck am I nervous because over a boy? This is new. "Oh yeah, now I know where I know you from, your danthé's girlfriend right?" He asks angelic.

Did this guy just ask me if I'm 'Danthe's'
girlfriend? Or am I hallucinating again?
"girlfriend? Hell no" i say while I hear Sabrina trying to hold her giggles next to me. "Well lucky me" he says boldly, wheil adding a small smirk.
I smile back softly, trying to cover up the redness on my face "im lillian by the way" i say politely, trying to change the subject "Nice to meet you, im Grayson but most people call  me grey" He extends his hand, waiting for me to shake it.

"Nice to meet you Grey" I say smiling wheil shaking his hand "are you comming to the party tonight?" He asks wheil scanning the products,
i never been to a party before in this city, because my brother didnt let me to, he was scared something would happen to me but im old enough now so who cares. "What party?" I ask "some frat boys party, everyone is allowed to come" he says back wheil passing me the bag
"mhm maybe" I say back trying not to sound to husky. "I hope to see you there, and other wise you should look at your receipt" he says before we walk out of the store.

Wordt count: 923

Oh my lord, this was a longer chapter
Btw tell me if you guys would like longer chapters.
What do yall think of grey, he is cute right?? Anyway ly byee

Xx a-

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