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The stars spread out in clusters all throughout the night sky. Roman Limage stepped out from the backseat of his black Rolls Royce as his driver opened the door for him.

He looked up at the big home that his grandfather lived in, feeling a bit envious. He walked up to the door, and a butler already stood awaiting him to come in. Roman followed the butler to a huge living room, where his grandfather David Limage sat playing chess alone.

David stayed seated as Roman took a seat across from him.

"Hello granddad, how have you been?"

David sat deep in thought, staring at the chess pieces.

"Did you make that deal with Nazari?" He was still looking at the chessboard.

"Yes, of course. No faith in me?" Roman smirked.

"I put my faith in no man, especially blood. Did you pay the twins back their money?"

"Yes, we paid them yesterday."

"Good, we don't need Brian Smithson on your head. That man is like a shark in a pool with a drop of blood." David sat up, looking at Roman.

"So I see you guys have been doing well with selling Spell, 40K a week....that's impressive."

Roman smiled proud of himself for impressing his grandfather. He always admired David and set out to live a good life like him too. His grandfather was definitely a goal for him.

"Nazari stuck to his usual product but took a couple bags of Spell to test it out at one of his clubs. I'm sure it will be a hit with the nightlife there in Vegas," Roman said.

David nodded, agreeing with him.

A young woman walked into the living area carrying a duffle bag. She handed the bag to Roman, and he unzipped it to see bricks of coke and bags filled with pills of Spell.

He zipped the bag back up and got up from his chair.

"Hey, Roman," he called out, and Roman turned around.

"Don't ever get too comfortable," David finished.

Roman nodded, then headed out the door. He handed the bag to his driver and got into the backseat of the car. His phone rang.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"McDaniel is here, and he doesn't look too happy," Frances III said over the phone.

"Did you tell him we're not accepting his offer until he raises it 30 percent?"

"Yeah, I told him...this guy really is a prick."

"I'll be there in thirty minutes." Roman hung up.

These gang bosses can really be hard-headed. He didn't want to get involved with selling their products to gangs because they're too sloppy and reckless. But David said money is money.

Sometimes, he didn't want to listen to his grandfather, but he knew he wouldn't steer him wrong.

"With the way things are going, Terry and Shannon won't be the only wealthy and respected members of this family. It's about time I got my respect from them."


"Do you like living here?" Ronnie asked Mia.

She nodded her head.

Ronnie knew she used to mess with his cousin Terry. He remembered her coming into Goldstar Detail when he worked there.

The fact that he knew she was with Terry before made him want her more. This is why he approached her when she came into his nightclub. In some sick way, he got satisfaction knowing he could get a woman his cousin could get.

Mia sat on his lap with no real emotion. The act she put on with him was like second nature, not to mention her faking orgasms. They were oscar worthy. She was only there to fulfill her demon King Stav's orders of getting more souls for the Demon Realm.

Her king is who she loved and was loyal to, who she yearned for while Ronnie groaned and ground on top of her at night.

"So Mia...where do you want to go shopping today? Dior? Chanel? Lamour's?" Ronnie asked. Then, his butler walked into the living room.

"Sorry to interrupt, Sir, but a Ms. Priya Mitchell is here to see you."

"Send her in," Ronnie told him.

Priya walked in with her five-month pregnant belly. She rolled her eyes at Mia sitting on Ronnie's lap as she walked in. He always had to be touching her in some way when Priya came over.

"Hello, Ronnie. You told me to come here to talk. So what's up?" she spoke.

"Have a seat and relax. I don't want you putting any strain on my son," he told her while Mia was still sitting on his lap.

She noticed the engagement ring he gave her prior to their break up on Mia's finger. Priya tried to keep herself composed. She knew he was trying to hurt her by making her jealous.

She wants him to be in their son's life, and she was trying her best to get along with him, but couldn't help but feel hurt at how he was flaunting other women in her face. Sometimes, she wished her child wasn't his baby, so she wouldn't have to see him anymore.

Priya sat down. "Ok, I'm sitting. What do you want to talk about?"

"Well, you know I want to be involved in my child's life and see him every day."

Ronnie looked at Mia. "Baby, can you excuse us for a minute."

Without hesitation, Mia got up from his lap and walked out of the room.

"I'm happy you want to be involved, and we'll figure out your visiting schedule...." Priya was interrupted.

"Yeah, about the visiting schedule, that's not going to be enough for me. Priya, I live in an eight-bedroom house. I have more than enough room for my son and his mother."

Ronnie got up from where he was sitting and sat next to her.

"What are you saying, Ronnie?"

He grabbed her hand, then touched her belly with his other hand. "I want you both to live here with me."

Priya was surprised.

"But I don't want to intrude on your space. Plus, what about Mia?"

"What about her? This is my house and I do what I want. If she has a problem with you living here, then she can go. And don't worry, you can live here for free, your only responsibility is taking care of our son. So....will you move in?"

Ronnie looked at her, waiting for an answer.

She looked at him and stared into his eyes.

At that moment, Priya saw the old Ronnie, the man she fell in love with.

"Okay, I'll move in."

Fire Reign 2: Unbroken Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora