2P!EnglandX2P!Reader- by~gothicemokid1

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  • Dedicated to gothicemokid1

"Ello Mumzy, ello Pappy!" You said walking out of the kitchen and into the living room with a giant smirk ear to ear with your razor sharp teeth showing.

"U-uh, h-hel-llo d-d-darling," your mother said shaking like an idiot.

"H-hello daughter, w-w-would you like to tell us s-something? Is something th-the m-m-matter?" You father said trying to pretend he's the 'man of the house' you hated that term because, duh, you were the strongest, smartest, and most scary person in the house and your father, to you, was on the bottom rank.

"Hehe! Yes, can you tell me why you locked up the entire kitchen knives? Hehe! And where did you put my cupcakes? You didn't forget to buy them did you? You know how I feel about mistakes! Hehe! Haha! Hoho!" You said chuckling like a mad-man.

"W-w-well, uh, honey we took away y-y-your kn-knifes b-b-because w-we don't l-l-like how you have been t-treating us, a-and w-w-we aren't going to buy you c-c-cupcakes anymore!" Your parents explained, you just smirked widely.

"Well that was mighty brave of you! But I’m afraid If I don't get my toys(1) and sweets back I will have to kill you~! Oh isn't this going to be a fun game~!" You said still smirking, and chuckling.

You were laughing hysterically on the floor as you saw your parents on the couch trembling in fear of what you just had told them.

Oh how you loved giving torture! You loved receiving it to!

"Hehe~! Well I'm going to take a nap, and as soon as I wake up, oh let’s say in about 2 hours, I shall kill you both! Goodbye!" You cooed and strolled off into your room, you turned on your alarm clock to 2 hours from now, and you fell asleep fast so you could wake up at soon as possible.

~Time skip to 2 hours Later~

Your alarm clock went off and you cheerfully woke up, grinning, and got your freshly sharpened knife from your sock droor and skipped along the hallway with your big grin on your face, suddenly, as you walked into the living room the lights turned off, then a single light beamed down to show your parents on your couch, with a pool of blood. At this site you just stared laughing and laughing. You laughed so hard that you could hardly breath anymore.

"Hehe~haha~hoho~he~! Well! Hehe! I guess this means someone beat me to it! Hehe! Who's there? Hehe! Who did this wonderful thing for me?!? Tehe~hoho~ha~! Oh! Will you torture me next?!? Hehe! This is going to be fun! Come out! Please!"

"Ello there poppet! This is an unexpected reaction from what I normally get~!" A strawberry-blond man said coming out from the shadows.

"Ello~! So you are the dreadful man who killed my parents before I could? Hehe! I would have loved to watch but I have a feeling that you have a better, longer torture for me? Hehe! That would be fantastic!"

"Well I /was/ planning on torturing you but you seem to enjoy it too much! So it seems the only way to torture /you/ would to not torture you at all!"

"Oh I see! Reverse psychology~! Good show man! Amazing work! Well I still get some things out of this! Hehe! My parents die and I get to torture myself with going to an adoption center! Oh the joy! Hehe! Thank you so much!"

"Yes your very welcome you little devil child! Hey I just killed them because they had knifes and cupcakes! My favorite things in the world!"

"Awwwww!" You said and pouted, with your arms crossed and your smile turning upside-down.

"Oh~! I see they were for you, love? Well yay! I get to torture you after all!" He said with a huge smirk on his face now, he had the same razor sharp teeth that you also had.

"Hmpf! I forgot! At the adoption center they won’t have any on my favorite toys or cupcakes!" You then had tears in your eyes and fell to the ground with your hands over your mouth, this has been the first day you haven't smiled, I mean whenever you lost a bet you wouldn't smile but then you would kill the other person for making you lose, then smiling after their death. But this was absolutely terrible for you! You are going to lose your toys! And even worse you would lose YOUR CUPCAKES. That thought just made you start to cry, now this shocked the strawberry-blond man.

"Hey poppet! Tell you what, if you come with me and live at my house instead of going to the adoption center, you can have all the cupcakes and toys you want! Sounds fun right?" Your grin grew back and showed your sharp teeth again, you wiped the tears away and he helped you up.

"Well that sounds like an amazing idea!" You chuckled and then you both headed off to his place, eating your mothers cupcakes along the way.


You finally arrived at his house and he locked the door beside him smirking devilishly, "Ok Poppet~! Since you couldn't torture your parents how about we torture my little brother instead!" You both started grinning with swirled in your eyes, his eyes was a mix or blue and pink and your eyes had a mixture or (Fav color 1) and (Fav color 2)."Well I would absolutely LOVE to… Hey, what's your name anyway?"

"Oh! I'm Arthur Kirkland~! But you can call me Artie~! And you are?"

"I'm (First Name) (Last Name) but you can call me (Name)~!"

"Oh that’s a delightful name!"

"As is yours! And your brother’s name?"

"He's Alfred F. Jones but just call him Al kay?"

"Mmkay~! Ok so how do you want to torture him!?"

"Well I drugged his drink before I left the house this morning so he should be asleep for another 20 minutes! That will give us plenty of time to tie him up and torture him~! Hehe! Ok, so he HATES cupcakes so I normally bake my own and shove them down his throat so he instantly gages and begs for mercy, at the same time he's choking so that’s a bonus~! Haha!"

"Wow that’s amazing torture~! Hehe! We should get started!"


~After Torture~

You and Artie started laughing hysterically after Al passed out from not being able to breathe. You both untied him, made sure he could breathe again and left him on the coffee table in the living room.

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