Chapter 8~where have you been?! (Part 1)

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5 years later...

"Hello everyone, today I am reporting to you live in the center of Tokyo, right we're the giant villain attack has just occurred, and is now being resolved by the police and heroes, right next to me is standing the one and only number 2 pro hero Dynamite, who at only age 21, has beat the record of climbing the hero ranks in only 4 years!, what are your thoughts on all of this Mr. Dynamite?", "thank you, I'm really proud of all that I have accomplished in this short period, and am still planing on moving forward from here on out as well, and for the attack, that shitty villain got what he deserved, now if you excuse me I have to go do the remaining part of all this shit", "and there you have it folks!, coming straight from the amazing Dynamite himself, now moving on to todays weather-"

"Mama, mama!, did you see him, hero dynamite is so cool!, I'm gunna be just like him when I grow up!", "umm, no your not, I'm gunna be just like hero dynamite!, he's amazing!"
"Ok, ok, kids calm down, you both are going to grow up and be as amazing as he is, now Izumi stop moving or I wont be able to finish your braids" Izuku said, trying to finish his daughters twin braids, "mama hurry up!, uncle Ten, and aunty Ura are gunna be here any second! And I wanna go see the park", a very exited 3 year old exclaimed "stop being so annoying kat!, I have to look pretty!, it's not like you would now, all you do is weird boy stuff!" Izumi said, hugging her mom when he finished her braid, jumping of the bed and walking toward her twin brother.

The small male just smiled and ruffled his pouting sons hair, "you two stop complaining about each other, Katsumi, I have to finish your sisters hair, and Izumi don't call your brother annoying, now say sorry and lets go" as if on cue, a nock was heard from the entrance door to there hotel room, izuku looked through the peep hole, and saw he's best friends, Ochako, and Tenya, they wished shoto could be there to, but he was on a mission in South Korea, "hey!" Izuku greeted, "omg, hey!, I missed you so much Izu!" Uraraka said, the two omegas hugged, and then Izu and Iida shared a quick hug as well, "midoriya, I've missed you dearly!"

Soon the twins came running to he door as well, "uncle Ten, aunty Ura! We've missed you so much!" The kids said in union which urned a light chuckle from the adults, "I've missed you kiddos too, katsumi you look so handsome, and Izumi you look so cute in that little dress!" Ochako complemented the kids, Izumi was wearing a light yellow dress, with daisy's, and her long ash blonde hair was braided into twin braids, that all complimented her crimson red eyes perfectly, katsumi, was wearing a Jean jumper, with a green shirt, that matched his emerald eyes, and his ash blonde curls that sit messily on top of his head cutely.

"Ok let's go before it gets to late, Izumi, Kat, you two hurry up and put on your shoes", the greenette reminded.

As soon as the twins were done with there shoes, all five of them left, happily chatting together.


"Die you fucking ass villain!" Katsuki yelled attacking the villain, finally getting him nocked out after causing so much damage to the city, "Bakubro!, that was awesome!" Kaminari said, "yeah Bakugou great job," kirishima agreed, Katsuki and kirishima had broken up right after izuku left, at first kirishima didn't want to let go, but then he realized how much midoriya meant to Katsuki and that he should just do the right thing and let it go.

"Yeah whatever, I'm great and awesome I know", Katsuki said with a big grin on his face.

"Mr. Dynamite! Is it ok if I interview you, and ask some questions?, it'll only last a few minutes" a reporter came running up to him, 'I guess a few questions won't do much har', he thought.

After the interview was done bakugous boss came up to him kirishima and kaminari chating with each other behind them,
"Bakugou, you, and your colleagues have done an amazing job today, how about you finish things up here and have the rest of the day off?", "sure, thanks sir, have a nice day", Katsuki waved bye to best Jeanette and was about to leave and head back to the agency to get his stuff when he felt someone tap his shoulder, he turned around to see shitty hair and Pikachu, "hey dude, wanna come with us to the park to grab a bite to eat or something?", Denki asked, "no", "wha-why not!" Denki whined, "because, I have better things to do then be around you shit heads", "cmon Bakugou! It'll be fun!", "ok, but if you two do anything embarrassing I'm leaving" "deal!" Kami and Kiri said in union.


"Izu! I'm so happy you're here! I missed you so much!, I mean visiting every few months and holidays were good but now you're finally here with the kids! I'm just so happy!", Uraraka said happily, they were all walking, admiring the trees inside the park, and bridge under the sun light with the river underneath, "mama!, can me and Izumi go play in the playground over there?, Please?" Katsumi asked, "sure honey, but stay together and don't talk to strangers" Izuku warned "ok" they both said and ran off to the swings.

"Oh, look kat! Come this butterfly I found!, it's so pretty" Izumi said fascinated by the insects gorgeous blue wings, it soon took off, flying away from the playground, "katsumi!, hurry up come look it's flying away!" Izumi said "wait", izumi started to follow the butterfly not having a care about anything but the fascinating blue wings it had, soon she somehow lost the butterfly, she looked around, not recognizing we're she was, soon reading she's lost, she started to get scared, not that she would show it.

She started running, trying to find were her mom or brother could be, she then bumped into somebody, "watch it" she mumbled as she fell slightly, the person crouched down, "hey kiddo, are you okay?" The voice asked calmly, "y-yes" Izumi whispered, when she looked up, Izumi froze, "wha- your Dynamite!?" She whispered yelled, she knew better than to yell in public, he looked nice, "are you lost?", "n-no, I'm f-fine" she said trying not to cry, "are you sure?" The man asked again, soothingly not trying to scare the pup, "my mama said not to talk to strangers," she said pouting slightly, "well you have a smart mama, but I bet she's looking for you", "not a she", Izumi whispered "what?" He asked, "he", "well I bet he's woried sick about you, what's your name?", "I-"


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