5) The Chase

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6 months, 6 months I've looked, and I won't give up. I'll find Xyra. He listened to me. He may not have cared, but he listened. He knows and noticed I exist. I have to find him. I will find him, and when I do, I'll tell him how much I hate him for leaving. I'll tell him how much I hate him because I thought he cared, and yet he left anyways without as much as a goodbye. I'll find Xyra, and when I do, I'll tell him how much I've missed his presence.

I walk, traveling for hours each day. I've traveled far, and I'll only travel farther as my search continues. My feet hurt. It's already been several hours. I'm walking through a shopping market, and that's when I see it.

A familiar sight of blond hair rushes past, getting chased down by two other guys, probably shop owners, screaming and yelling, "Give that back, you thief!" It has to be him. Relying on only my instincts to take control, I dash after them and join the chase.

I run fast, faster than ever before. I can't let him escape. The two other men are gone now, presumably because they lost sight of Xyra. But I see him, still making a mad dash for the less crowded and more isolated part of town. "Xyra!" I shout, running only on fumes and adrenaline at this point. The figure stops for only a moment, a slight hesitation, then continues racing at full speed.

"Stop!" I shout, finally having led the blondie to a dead-end. "You can't run anymore, Xyra." He sighs, then ultimately slumps his shoulders and leans against a wall. "I was so careful," He says in an irritable tone. "How did you find me?" "Pure accident." I say, and it's true. Uncertain and wary, he asks, "Are you certain? Are you saying you haven't been trying to find me since I've left?" "I'll admit, I did try looking for you all this time, but I didn't know where you were, so I was just wandering around without really knowing where I was going." I state. "I see." He says. "Kazuya, I'd like to tell you everything, my past, why I left, and why I didn't tell you where I was going. I'll tell you everything if you'll listen." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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