Video Game Physics

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The power to interact with the world as if it is in a video game. Variation of Fictional Physics. Opposite to Game Interaction.

The user can alter the laws of physics to mimic any and all video games. This power can give the user a wide variety of abilities.

May be limited to existing games or games the user knows about. However, this power doesn't necessarily rely on specific games. It could mimic general styles, genres and teams common in video games.
Depending on how it is used, it may bestow others in the area with video game-based powers as well.
May also gain weaknesses depending on the video game that is being mimicked.
Any Cheat Codes on things that manipulate what people do like car infinite mass and pedestrian war and evil cars may or may not work.
If the user relies on remembering the ability in the video game, Memory Manipulation is highly effective.

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