Player 2: Personal Status

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Khiry is avoiding the highways while listening to One of Crush 40's songs, "Live & Learn." He found out that it took one hour & 12 minutes to get there. "Maybe I should make a stop to get some snacks. No, I need to make it there." Khiry thought about his favorite snack, Apple Rings. "I wonder..." Khiry then said. He is getting agitated as he groans. He then drove to the nearest store, & grabbed three bags of apple rings. He has wasted time to find them. He then got in the car & sighed. He then went back on the street, driving all the way there, with no more pit shop. It took one hour & thirty minutes to get to the Los Angeles Conventional Center. He then saw where to park my car. He then went to the parking lot but was stopped by a floating robot. It then took a picture of Khiry & printed it out. It was then given to Khiry & he looked at it. It was a pass to the E3 pass entry. The robot then left to go to another car as he decided to follow the parking spot. "E3 has already ended, so I wonder if the people who also received this have already shown up?" Khiry wondered as he then got out & headed inside the building. He then saw a bunch of people going in the same direction & followed them as well. Khiry then entered the building only to see a lot of people there. He then turns to his left & sees a lot of people sitting down & getting a seat. He then turns to his right & it is the same. He then sees the last seat where he is near & then takes it. He then waited for the presentation to start. The lights start to dim as the drums roll. Then, a man the rises from stage. He then holds his hand up & the mic drops into it.

"Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys & Girls, Teens in their ages, I am proud to present The Fourth Legendary Single Player TOURNAMENT!" The Man proudly announced with a sign that Fourth Legendary Single Player Tournament & pyro are shooting from the stage

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"Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys & Girls, Teens in their ages, I am proud to present The Fourth Legendary Single Player TOURNAMENT!" The Man proudly announced with a sign that Fourth Legendary Single Player Tournament & pyro are shooting from the stage. The crowd is getting excited. "I will be your host, Ringmaster. You are all here because you have chosen to take part in this tournament! This tournament will be held during the E3 event in 2014! Up to 800 players will be entering, but only one will be crowned & win our grand prize!" There is a digital fill-out form in front of the players. "This form will show your status. Now to get you guys prepared, you will be playing one game each week, & one role-playing game every month for 2013! You will be absorbing their skills & techniques, as well as increasing your level & gaining real-life money! The more games you play, the more skills you will have. Take your time with each game & get help from others. The tournament will also have some prizes. The 2 players that enter in the Top 4th place will get you $300,000 cash prizes. The runner-up will not only get $500,000 & a chance to be a developer. However, The winner will get $1,000,000, a chance to be a developer, a jewel necklace, & the title "LEGENDARY SINGLE PLAYER!" The crowds are getting excited for the fight. "However... there is one more thing. Should the winner want to risk all the money in a Double or Nothing gamble, they will have to face one of the WWE IMMORTAL!" The screen then showed all 32 WWE Immortal Superstars & Divas. "These Superstars & Divas have proven to be the best with their own power time after time. No one can ever forget the most epic battle between the hounds of justice & Evolution!" Everyone then sees their new interface with the help of their new digital vision. "Everyone's physiology has been shown, including class system, your own personal status, weapons, transport, etc. The manual on how to use your newfound powers is there as well as a lot of recipes for food from our world & the video game worlds. What you do to train yourself is on you. See you all next year! Good luck out there, & remember, no killing non-players!" The Ringmaster then went down the stage as the presentation was over. 

The people started to leave as the majority of their friends were talking & enjoying each other's company while Khiry was going home for the time being. He then heard his stomach growling. He then looked at the menu. "Hmm. I guess I should test this..." He then looked at the money, to see if there was any money to order some food. "Well, I might as well go home. I will read the manual when I get home." Khiry then realizes that some of the people are leaving. He then continued walking, & not long after he saw some people hanging around like friends, making him feel a bit lonely. "I hope I can make some gaming buddies. Being alone may be problematic." Khiry said that he was worried about his relationship status. "Then again, I wonder if I can make friends from the video games..." Khiry then went out of the building as he then went to the truck. He then opened his door, got in the car, & sat down. The digital form is now being filled out. "Let's see. Player Tag: Sparky. Age: 18. Gender: Male..." Khiry then took his time to customize his Personal Status (Not all is unlocked). "Congratulations, you have successfully filled out the digital form to not only become a player but also be a participating the fourth legendary single player. Please be on the lookout for the future games coming in 2013." Khiry then scrolled the list down to see that the games coming out in 2013. He then smiled as he was starting to drive home, with a few new goals & a new player named: Sparky.

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