Chapter 1

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I'm going to kill myself.

Hearing the first October bell make me hit my head into a metal locker. It was obvious, that it wasn't a good idea, because after a while I hissed while putting my hand to a hurting forehead. Free will that we as people have implanted into our heads, clearly wasn't working for me.

"Evie, I have never seen you with so euthusiatic attitude towards life." I heared the voice of Jude Dante – one of my three friends, which was the one in our group that was taken out alive from the myth about optimists. Still in pain, I smiled towards red head and I rested my head on the school locker.

"Not a word, J. not a word." I needed to preper myself mentally for the eventful day.

High School in Starlight City. Horror and reaching stara all in one. Since I was small I loved learning new things, expand my interests, like ballet or developing my literature knowledge. Like the rumor said: " Expand those things that are close to your heart and get to know what you don't have impact of". I could venture to say that going to school wasn't the biggest punishment in the whole world. Especially, when I didn't have to spend time at home.

And the town of starlight? It was a dream for those who loved sea, nature and relative peace, so me. I loved listening to the peaceful sounds of the waves while feeling the wet sand under the feet. Well... The only minus in this amazing place was that in some spots was horrible fishy smell. I always hated everything that had to do with the sea food.

"Just give her a break, you can tell, that she barely lives." laughed black haired Jade and fist-bumped with red hair. The sister or rather twins Dante were so similar with their personalities and the way of living life like my dead hamster to my living dog. Jade loves black, passionate and sharp style and Jude... it was Jude. Little endorphin in the world full of sadness and darkness.

My gaze went to school front door, when more and more people gathered there. I exactly knew why, likewise tons of other people. The school lacrose team had a remis with Downhill this weekend.

"Are you waiting for someone?" The voice of the violet hair girl brought me back from my thoughts."Chill out, I'm almost entirely sure that he will come in a second." She added with a bit of laugh heared in her voice, while fixing her nose earning.

"I'm more curious about what they will do now." Jude fixed her shirt and pulled it little lower. "If they would do anything funny then you would see it by how angry Evie would be."

I'll be angry only if he....

"Before you say, how irritating Shade is and that you wouldn't care if he died then you can't make me believe that you don't like arguing with him." interrupted Megan with visible confidence of her words.

"Arguing? You've gotta be kidding me, they glare at themselves as if to kill each other. " Added one of the twins, by what the two others laughed. Well, I wasn't all fun and games to me at all.

I couldn't of course deny that I didn't like it word arguments with Shade Jack Grey. I love them of course. Especially the satisfaction that comes from him standing in one place and couldn't think of any riposte as a comeback to mine. Usually on the next, he had prepared something bigger. Jokes with locker, clothes, switching a shampoo with hair dye or taking my homework, they were only the peak of the iceberg.

The peak of how badly we hated each other since we were kids.

That means that if something had ever happened to him, I would probably throw a party of the century to celebrate this. Maybe only a little I would miss our daily routine, but for sure I wouldn't feel sorry for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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