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Once upon a time, in a quaint little town surrounded by lush green meadows, lived a young girl named Isa. She was a spirited two-year-old, her eyes filled with curiosity and wonder, her laughter like music. Little did she know that her life was about to take a dark and treacherous turn.

One sunny afternoon, while Isa's father was tending to his garden, creating delicate necklaces out of gleaming metal, a shadowy figure emerged from the depths of the nearby woods. This man, dressed entirely in black, moved with a sinister grace. Unbeknownst to Isa, danger lurked just beyond her innocent gaze.

As Isa watched her father, her tiny hands filled with blades of grass, her world shattered in an instant. The man in black, his face concealed beneath a hood, approached her unsuspecting father from behind. With a swift and merciless motion, he plunged a dagger into her father's back again and again, silencing his joyful laughter forever.

Isa's young mind could not comprehend the horror that unfolded before her. She saw her father crumple to the ground, the necklace he was crafting slipping from his lifeless fingers. Confusion clouded her innocent eyes, and tears streamed down her rosy cheeks as she tried to make sense of the unfathomable.

"Dada, Dada," she blubbered, her tiny voice quivering with fear and sorrow. Racing towards her home, her tiny legs carrying her as fast as they could, Isa sought solace in the arms of her mother, her only haven of comfort.

A piercing scream shattered the tranquility of their once-happy home as Isa's mother beheld the grisly scene before her. Blood stained the vibrant green grass, a chilling testament to the evil that had befallen them. At that moment, the tendrils of despair wrapped tightly around their broken hearts.

Amidst the chaos, Isa's older sister, Disha, stood strong, her youthful resolve turning her into a pillar of unwavering determination. Though her heart ached with grief, she vowed to protect her fragile family from further harm.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, yet the scars of that fateful day refused to fade. Isa's mother was but a hollow shell, consumed by sorrow and the painful memories etched deep within her soul. Disha, burdened with the weight of responsibility, lost the sparkle in her eyes as she became a mere guardian, her childhood slipping away unnoticed.

And so, their lives continued on this harrowing path, until one day, when her mother decided to go to her in-laws.

With each passing day, Isa grew older, her memories of that tragic day fading into fragments of a distant nightmare. Yet, deep within her, an insatiable curiosity stirred a longing to uncover the secrets that haunted her family. And so, with newfound determination, she set off on her path, unknowingly walking in her sister's footsteps.

 And so, with newfound determination, she set off on her path, unknowingly walking in her sister's footsteps

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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