Meeting the characters

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1. Luz Noceda

A teenage girl, her dad passed away when she was young, has a gf, gets stuck in the Boiling Isles, gets back to human real, uses glifs, is Bi,  Amitys, Willows, Guses, Hunters friend, Bad Girl Coven

2. Amity Blight

Luzs gf, has 2  older siblings, her mother doesnt care about the family she only cares for money, has a dad that tries to talk to his children, has abomination powers, Luzs, Willows, Guses, Hunters friend

3. Willow Park

Is Pan, Luzs, Amitys, Guses, Hunters friend, has a crush on Hunter, has two dads, very powerful, has plant powers

4.Gus Portier

Is Bi (i think, correct me if im wrong), also known as Goops,  has a crush on Matt, has illusionist powers, Luzs, Amitys, Willows, Hunters friend


Is Bi, has a crush on Willow, is the golder guard, his uncle is Belos, Darius cares about him,  has teleportation powers,, is Luzs, Amitys, Willows, Guses friend

6. King Clawthrone

Is a titan, Luzs brother in the Boiling Isles,  never met his dad, lives with Eda Clawthrone

7. Edalyn Clawthrone

Is Bi, has a curse on herself, took care of Luz while she was on the Boiling Isles,  has a sister, has a crush on Rainstorm, is the most powerfull witch on the Isles, Bad Girl Coven

8. Lillyth Clawthrone

Was in the Emperor's Coven but left it, is Eda's sister, best friend is Hooty, likes ✨Steve✨, Luzs cool aunt

9. Raine Whispers

Is Non-binary, has a crush on Eda, is the head of the Bard Coven, Bard magic

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