The groupchat

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Luz added Y/N

Luz- Hey guys!!! I added Y/N 

Gus-Whos is Y/N?

Luz-Y/N is a human!!! 

Gus-No way!!!

Amity went online

Hunter went online

Eda went online

Raine went online

Y/N -Hi

Raine- Hello Y/N

Hunter-Really another human? Like i'm going to belive that

Eda-Shut up Golden Boy

Hunter-Hey don't call me that!

Luz- Guys stop it!

Hunter and Eda-FINE

Willow went online

Willow-Hi guys! How are you!

Luz-I'm good! Willow you wnot belive who me and Amity found today!!!

Willow- Who is it tell me!!

Luz- We found another human!!!

Willow-No way!!

Y/N-Well yeah they found me 

Willow-Let's meet tomorrow at 6 how does that sound

Y/N,Hunter,Luz,Amity,Gus-Okay sounds great!

Y/n went offline

Luz went offline

Hunter went offline

Willow went offline

Gus went offline

Raine-Hey Eda I wanted to ask you a question

Eda-What's up Rainstorm

Raine-Well...I..I wanted to tell you..

Darius went online

Alador went online

Darius-You wantet do tell her that you like her

Raine-What!?..No!! Why would you say that

Alador-Don't be shy Raine.C'mon tell her

Raine-What!!! No that's not true!!!You belive me Eda,Right?

Eda-Ofcouse I belive you Raine.I have to go. Bye guys!


Alator went offline

Raine-Why are you like this Darius!!

Darius-I just wanted to help you mate


Raine went offline

Darius went offline

Thank you for readind this book. I really hope you like it and if you have any ideas what I can put in this book please leave a comment.

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