Chapter 1 : change of destiny

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I am quietly installed in my office. This is my own place, in this family home. Far from the adventures of my children, I appreciate being able to breathe calmly from time to time. There, I decompress and take the time to think, to drown myself in my thoughts, in my memories.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door. I quickly slip the photo I had been looking at for several minutes into the pocket of my blouse, and pretend to be concentrating on a file. I barely have time to say, "Come in" when the door opens to reveal my daughter. At seventeen and a half years old, she has behaved like a real tornado since the start of her adolescence, four years earlier. However, in her face framed by long brown hair, childhood can still be seen.

— Mom, I need to talk to you about something super important !

I suppress a smile. With Orlane, everything is always mega important !

— Ok I hear you.

— With Alexandra, we would like to get a tattoo ! She says, excited, as if it's the best news of the year.

— A tattoo ?

She nods energetically.

— While you are still a minor ?

— Soon to be an adult.

— Yes, so seventeen years and counting.

— If you say so. So, is it yes ? I need parental consent to do this.

— No way !

As I expected, my daughter's face turns an angry red, while her light eyes darken.

— You never let me do anything cool ! She shouts, slamming the door behind her.

Another of these great classics is to avoid any discussion by taking long strides. I hear him scream.

— She always forbids me from everything ! She's never there for us !

— You exaggerate ! Mom is always there whenever we need her, tries to calm my son down in a paternalistic tone.

Calm, thoughtful and very mature in nature for a young man of sixteen, my son has a character that is the polar opposite of that of his sister.

— She's not a cool mother !

I decide to join them in the kitchen.

— If being fashionable means letting you drink alcohol, do drugs, let you date anyone, or allow you to get tattoos, then no, I'm not cool...

— But why don't you want to ? After all, it's just a little drawing on the skin, adds my daughter with a pout.

My God, how tenacious she is... Like me ultimately.

— Orlane, the day you want to get a tattoo for a good reason, I will accept, but not to be like your friends.

My son looks at us, imperturbable.

— You definitely have a tattoo ! She accuses me, angrily.

I look down, weighing the pros and cons, and end up telling them :

— Follow me to the living room, both of you. I need to talk to you.

Without a word, they accompany me, and each sit in one of

the large armchairs, facing mine.

— You are both old enough now for me to tell you a story. And please don't interrupt me. The story I am about to tell you is personal to me, but it is important that you know it, because it has made us who we are.

At the risk of losing youNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ