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(5 Months Later)

Engfa's POV:

it's been hell of a year , I've been so busy with all of the work, so was Charlotte.We barely had time for each other for the past 6 months, that's what I told to myself to ease the pain of break up that happened 4 months ago...  I dont know how to deal with all of these emotions so I just figured if I was full of work, it would get better but the truth is; I missed her more than ever. Will I ever going to move on from her? I guess the answer is time but right now it hurts. 

N: hey engfa, are you ready for the press for your new album that's going to be released tomorrow

E: yeah, im ready

an album that's full of a heartbreak songs 

N: oh and also, you are gonna perform at the Cannes in 2 days, you will perform ur album

E: is she ?

N: no, engfa... she won't be there, don't worry

it's not that we broke up from something bad but it still hurts 


Engfa Waraha is seen in Bangkok on her way to go to give a press conference

Engfa Waraha is seen in Bangkok on her way to go to give a press conference

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- first press conference after yk

-she looks so handsome

-good luck baby

-she is glowing

- please be conscious of those questions

-dont ask invasive questions

(Press Conference)

R: hello engfa 

E: hello guys

R: it's been a while since we had press conference ,engfa ; so how are you?

E: im actually great, I was working on my album; im so proud of my baby

R: oh we are looking forward to hear it as well, how was the writing process and we heard you are going to perform in Cannes which Charlotte will also be attending

I went blank, I dont know what to say

E: oh um, writing process was easy if im being completely honest, but yeah there are few songs  that I love the most in the album like 'hate you' and 'the happiest girl'  omg wait 'car's outside' as well.. For Cannes, im extremely happy to perform there, I will be performing in two days 

R: oh we can not wait to hear all of those songs tbh, we are extremely happy to able to chat with you, we have two more questions for you;

 first one is ; we heard you & Jeff Satur gonna play in a movie, is that true

E: oh, I can not give you guys details but yeah, it's true.

R: Oh, wow; second one is that; do you have anyone in your heart

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