Chapter 2

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"Yeah, and then they just said that they'd think about it." I cheerfully say to Andrew on our Skype call as I give my nails a glossy coat of a light baby pink for my french manicure.

"That's awesome, sis." Andrew smiles. "Port Mallory is awesome! Your old friend, Mitchell, he still lives in that old white shingle house down the beach. And the weather is so warm; I can't wait for you to see the beach! To feel the grainy sand under your toes, the sun beating down on your skin, and the cool tide in around your feet as you wade in."

"That's a lot of words for one sentence." I smirk.

Andrew holds up a sticky note. "It's written down as a tactic to get you down here."

"Don't worry, I'm already convinced. And hopefully Mom and Dad will be, too." I say.

"You also need to meet Shayna." He says. "She's really great."

"She came over for Christmas, though." I shrug.

"Well, yeah, I just mean that you should meet her again. That reminds me, she got a new job! Medical technology or something, I think."

"I'm a Anesthiologist!" Shayna calls from the other room, and runs in. "Oh, hi, Olivia!"

"Hi." I smile. I can see why Andrew likes Shayna. She has spotless chocolate skin, black straightened hair with a few streaks of dark red, almond eyes, and long lashes. She's also got a smooth voice, and very polite and clever.

"Hello, Olivia. How's your summer so far?" Shayna asks.

"Boring." I shrug. "And our pool hasn't been opened yet. So yeah, boring."

Shayna laughs. "It's all about the water, to you, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I love swimming." I glance up to a shelf of all my swimming trophies since I was a few years old. Best Backstroke, 2nd Place in Chicago Coed Diving Competition, 3rd Place in Illinois Statewide Diving Competition, 1st Place in Talula Smith Charity For Cancer Awareness Fundraiser, 1st 2012 Chicago Middle School Swimmeet. And there's a lot more.

"You so lucky." Shayna frown. "I'm so horrible at swimming, I'm like a turtle. Well, slow like a turtle, not a good swimmer like one."

"Ah, I see." I nod. "I could give you lessons."

"Nah, I'm trying to work enough hours to pay off the house loan." Shayna waves it off. "I won't have much time, and besides, I'm never going to learn anyway."

"Excuses, excuses." I playfully sigh. "Well, you aren't much for water anyway."

"Well, I like the beach though. Nice and warm." She says, then she yawns loud. "Wow. That was a big yawn. I probably should go to bed. Bye!"

"Bye!" I wave.

"I probably should get to bed too." Andrew nods. "See ya, sis!"

"Bye, again!"

Then Andrew disconnects, and I close the Skype window, then rub my eyes, smudging my mascara all over my face. Eh, I'll clean it up later.

"Olivia," My mom screams. "Go to bed! I know you're staying up late!"

"Ugghh." I moan. "I didn't wash my face yet."

"Too bad!" Mom yells back. "In the morning."

"You always bug me about brushing my teeth."

"Well, do you want a root canal?"

"Do I want zits?"

"Don't sass your mother!" She finishes, as I shut my laptop lid, and gently place it on the dresser. I turn off my lamp, and before I go to bed, I get up and walk over to the windowseat with a view of Chicago and grab my IPhone, clicking it on and putting on an ambience app with the natural music o the ocean. I sit down, gazing out the glassy window, freshly cleaned by our maid who comes every other day, and admire the city lights, the wind whistling against the buildings, the glowing light pollution that often kills poor fireflies.

Yeah, I killed the mood. I know. I'm an environmentalist. BTW SAVE THE POLAR ICE CAPS!

After a few minutes of silence, I crawl under my warm bedsheets and bury the side of my head in my pillow.

Swimming With The Current (Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now