Chapter 10

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      I spend the next few days in bed and the bathtub, compulsively turning into a mermaid at random moments, which luckily usually happens in bed under my covers or in a locked bathroom, so Shayna doesn't find out. I find myself obsessed with certain seafood and disgusted at the thought of some sea animals being fried up and served. Also, I donate ten dollars to a charity for sharks.

What has happened to me?!

I'm eating dinner, shrimp, fried coral and kelp, finally after feeling better, when Shayna walks in.

"Isn't coral supposed to be poisonous?" She asks, setting down her purse.

"I don't know." I shrug. "It's pretty good, though."

Shayna looks it up on her phone. "Yep, poisonous. But there probably are some that aren't. Maybe the heat from cooking the coral dissolves the poison?"

"I don't know." I shrug. "I've been eating it for a while now and it hasn't affected me."

Shayna opens the fridge and pulls out the leftovers of some chicken parmesan from last night, scoops some onto a plate, and puts into the microwave for a minute to heat it up.

"So, do you think your sickness is gone?" She asks.

"Yeah." I nod. "I feel a lot better."

"Great." Shayna smiles, as my smartphone rings. I pick it up and answer.

"Hi, who is this?" I ask.

"Hey, it's Mitchell." He says. "We're going to the beach later, want to come?"

"Yeah, that'd be great, thanks." I smile. "Will there be . . . swimming involved?"

"No, we're just going to play some volleyball." Mitchell says.

"Cool, good." I say. "So, when is it?"

"Tomorrow, at around noon. My mom will pick us up."

"Alright." I say. "So, see you tomorrow."

"See ya." Mitchell says, and hangs up. I put down the phone. I'm happy I'll see him again but not at all to see Erika.

I finish eating dinner, then hop on my computer to skype Mom and Dad.

"Hi honey!" Mom, AKA lilasass34, says, when she sees me. I, AKA sugarsweet34, wave. Mom waves back.

"Hi!" I say.

"Dad is at work, but he'll be free tomorrow for a few hours. He might use it for sleeping, though, he's really been working a lot." Mom shrugs.

"Okay, but why?" I ask.

"He got a big promotion at work, and for him he's working non-stop." Mom says. "Don't worry, he'll be free on Sunday."

"Okay, cool." I nod.

"So, how's Port Mallory?" Mom asks.

"Pretty good." I say. "Everything is going smoothly. I saw Mitchel and Kelly and Dustin and Erikaagain."

"Oh, Erika." She snorts. "I remember her. You always used to rant to me about her."

"Yeah." I nod. "Still pretty bratty. And the worst part is she's dating Mitchell. He's totally clueless about how snotty she is."

"That's too bad. Hopefully he'll open his eyes soon."

"Yeah, hopefully." I say. "So, how's Charlie and Daniel?"

"Good, good." Mom says, grinning. "Charlie's wife, Marie, is pregnant again. With twins."

"Wow! Great!" I clap my hands.

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