The one who started it all

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Just then an arrow shot her in the face. Dead shot.

I kicked her off as fast as I could and got up and turned around and there... I saw her. A tall but a little on the thick side woman with a leafy green coat, green leggings, and black thick boots. With dirt blonde hair in a messy bun and pale skin with rose cheeks and elf-like ears. And hazel brown eyes. But either way, she looks torn from the floor. (Calling the woman all messy or thrashed)

       "Hey, kid!... wait.... no..."

LIZZY: Um, I'm sorry I didn't hear the last part what did you say?

I started to walk closer to her then she flinched. Her eyes opened wide.

"NO! Don't come any closer! Please..."

The woman extended her arm/hand out in front of her.

LIZZY: "Um, okay... did I do something wrong? My.. My name is Elizabeth.
Well, Wendelin Elizabeth Darling but you can call me Lizzy!"

      Oh gosh, I can't believe I'm opening up to the first person I see on this dreaded island. Am I this desperate to talk to someone? Well maybe because I'm scared and she is an adult or looks like one? Why~
I'm so confused with myself.

"Your not Wendy, bu-but your a Darling tho~"

LIZZY: Yes oh, you know my great-great-grandmother! Wendy Moira Angela Darling! Are you friends with her?!

Something struck me. A woman with blonde hair, and a green outfit, that has a bun in her hair. Oh, I think she's TinkerBell but isn't TinkerBell super small... a fairy with wings? Glowing with pixie dust all around her?
No, no no no I must be mistaken.

LIZZY: "Um, what's your name?"


LIZZY: "Oh, sh-"

LIZZY: "Oh! That's a pretty name! Can I  come closer?!"

Tinkerbell nodded

I walked over and she was like 1 or 2 heads taller than me!

LIZZY: "WOW, I thought you were smaller and a... Fairy."

TINKERBELL: "Well I was until the incident..."


TINKERBELL: I'm so sorry Wendy.

I open my eyes big and I  waved my hands side to side closed to my chest fast.

LIZZY: I'm-I'm-I'm not her! I'm LIZZY!
Just Lizzy even tho I look like her, I'm not her!!!

Tinkerbell just looked at me with sad eyes, more like depressed ones.

Then she hugged me.

TINKERBELL: "I'm so sorry that I said those things to you about Pan they weren't true at that time!"

LIZZY: "At that time?"

TINKERBELL: "Well after when you left he went into despair. He-he kept on saying he didn't try enough to make that one person happy. He said he could make everyone else happy except them... Except you. I'm so sorry I said those- those things... so when P- Pan found out that I was the one who sent you away and told those lies he... took my wings away.... he stripped my shadow and my magic... and turned me into a human and banished me from the campgrounds. He said, "If I ever see you again or on my campgrounds and with any of my Lost Boys I'll make you beg for death."

Oh, holy moly... well I hope I will never meet Peter Pan. Well knowing my luck...

LIZZY: That's horrible!

Even though you started it. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that I need to get to safety and you are all I got.

LIZZY: Do you have a place? That I could Stay at temporarily?

I said with all ten of my fingers pressed together.

TINKERBELL: Yeah. Come with me.


Oh, my gosh I feel like I've been walking for MILES! My Fitbit is saying I've reached my goal for 2 miles this day and over!

Walking for 3 miles now...

      I think she's going to kill me...

For sure...


TINKERBELL: "Were here."

Tink pointed up at a tree house.

LIZZY: "Oh that looks nice and cozy."

TINKERBELL: "Follow me."

We walked to a ladder that was attached to the tree and started to climb.

LIZZY: "WOW! It's so much bigger than inside!"

It's just a huge room with a bed and a small couch, rug, and a window... OH and a chest.

TINKERBELL: "You can have the bed."

Tink looks out of the window.

TINKERBELL: "It's almost 11. We should go to bed and... tomorrow I'm going to help you pick out your weapon so, you can protect yourself."

LIZZY: "... Okay!"

I had a big smile. I turned around heading for the bed.

LIZZY: "Goodnight Tinkerbell."

Tinkerbell just standing with a confused and nervous face.

TINKERBELL: "Goodnight... Lizzy"

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