Chapter 15. The mission is completed

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You're getting too comfortable again. Remember what happened last time.

Mission bring back "normal" to the boys' life is in full action.

- Friday: Day 1 -

Camping with the Crew: Bonfire, Fishin' & Grubbin'

First attempt:

You and the lads decide to ditch city life for some outdoor shenanigans.

Destination: the wild and untamed wilderness. Why? Just because.

You have set up tents, you were fishing spoiler you didn't catch a single fish and now you are sitting around the bonfire reading a scary story.

You - A family was camping and left their tent to go on a day hike. They were a few hours from their campsite when a storm suddenly blew up. They became disoriented in the wind and driving rain.

They tried to trace their steps back to the campsite but became lost in the unfamiliar backcountry. Being experienced hikers, they knew once they were lost, it was best to stay in one place than wander in the woods, so they prepared to settle down and wait for rescue.

Darkness fell, and the family built a fire to keep warm. As they snuggled up against each other and started to drift off to sleep, they heard a noise coming from the trees.

"Who's there?" one of the parents called, but there was no answer.

Then they heard the sound again. But once more, when they called out, there was no answer.

"Perhaps it's someone who can't speak," suggested the daughter. So her mom called out, "Is there anyone there? Clap once for yes and twice for no."

There was one clap.

"You were right," the parents said to their daughter. "There is someone out there."

"Are you here to rescue us?" shouted the mom.

Clap clap.

"Are you lost like us?"

Clap clap.

"Do you live out here in the woods?"

Clap clap.

"Let me try," said the son. "Are you a boy?"

Clap clap.

"Are you a girl?"

Clap clap.

They all looked at each other, puzzled.

Thinking he was being funny, the son asked: "Are you human?"

Clap clap.

Now, the family was scared.

"Are you alone?" called the mom.

Clap clap.

The family huddled together more.

"How many of you are there then?"

Clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap ...

Niall - Oh fuck no!

H - It's just a story.

Liam - Guess we will not be sleeping tonight.

Suddenly you hear a clap. You all turn fast. Louis screams in a perfect high pitch.

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