part 1:The bite

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Micheal:"walks into fred bears family diner with parents." This is so lame im gonna go with my friends. William:"also walks in." Whatever, im gonna go and start working on my animatronics. Chris:"grabs lizzy's hand." cmon, lizzy, let's go see Freddy! Lizzy:ok!" Follows behind cc.....While they play near Fred bear Micheal and his friends start to plan something...Fritz:Hey guys, I think we should prank cc! Yknow, since it's his birthday, how about a little present.  Micheal friends agree,but Micheal is doubting the decision. But hesitantly he agrees,They walk up to cc and tell him to follow them to fred bear, and he agrees he follows them to Fred bear and as soon as he gets there they bit him up saying. Fritz:I think the little man wants to give Freddy a little kiss. Why don't we give him a little smooch. And as they do that, they start to put cc in Freddy's mouth. Unfortunately, Freddy's spring locks malfunctioned, and Freddy's jaw crushed cc's skull, not once,not twice but three times.micheal stands there in shock seeing his younger brother in Freddy's mouth bleeding and not moving he starts crying and calls for help,his mom Clara his father William and his younger sister Elizabeth all came rushing over to find cc hanging there dead, they rush him over to the hospital with everyone crying waiting in the waiting room,the doctor comes out looking sad the Aftons  rush over to him asking if he's okay, the doctor looks at them and shakes her head saying im very sorry for your loss,they get home and all of them go to there rooms. Now all that's left of C.C is his sould trapped in fred bears mouth forever to be possessing freddy.


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