part 5:The scoop

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While all that's happening Micheal walks to the kitchen to see a note it says "hello Micheal if your reading this it's your dad I am probably dead by now but that's OK my final wish is that you please make sure my animatronics are OK and in good shape im sorry and I know I haven't been a good father to you and I know I should ask you to do this but this is my last wish and I hope you fufil it thank you. Love William, " Micheal sighs and then says Micheal:Ugh fine I guess only cause the old hag asked me to, and I guess it couldn't hurt.. Micheal then got ready for his first night, and when he gets there, everything's fine. It's chill, nothing too crazy. The next night goes by the same thing, and the third night, someone starts talking to him. The lights cut out, and it's dark. The person then identifys themselves it's CB circus baby starts to guide him to the "breaker" room and when he gets there he gets tied up CB then starts to talk about how if she looked like him she could leave this place CB: If I looked like you I could leave and look normal but if you looked like me you would know the pain I feel all the time...this is the scooper room ballora has already been here today, funtime Foxy has already been here today,circus baby has already been here'll only hurt for a she says that the scooper scoops Micheal guts out killing him later Micheal wakes up confused but then realizes he dead and rotting and that an animatronic named ennerd lives inside his stomach now and forever the only way he can still walk around and stuff he can also do this vecause of something his father has in his blood named remnant and that's how they all posses thing,Micheal posses Foxy.

Five Nights At Freddy's حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن